Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Fanis the bodyguard Episode 16 Liberals aren't the same in every country

                Kera is an international Chinese art dealer. Although she was born and raised in New York City, she currently is living in London as it gives her closer accessibility to clients.  As she got more and more successful, she found that she would often be targeted.  Her work required her to work seven days a week so it estranged many friends and family.  Luckily, she had a cousin she knew she could count on to drop everything in his life to live in London to be her bodyguard.  His name was Fanis.

                Fanis was three years older than Kera and was always overprotective of her growing up.  This bothered Kera in the beginning, which was ironic because now she paid him to do it.  One of Fanis’ favorite things was arguing and Kera obliged him often.  Kera is reading and looks up and says, “Hey Fanis, guess what??”

                “You’re going to read me some stupid thing a liberal said?”

                “Apparently when Trump Jr. went to Vancouver for a hunting trip, he spent $ 5,700 at a Trump hotel.”

                Fanis shrugged his shoulders, “Okay, is that the end of the story?”

                “That’s a lot of money to stay at a hotel.”

                “It’s the government; they waste money all the time.  I bet the cupcakes that the Democrats buy for their meetings cost about that much.”

                “Why does the Secret Service have to stay in the same nice hotel as Trump Jr.?”

                “The same reason I stay in the same hotel as you when we travel.”

                Kera started giggling.  She tried to keep a straight face but it was getting increasingly difficult.  She stated very sarcastically, “You mean, you can protect someone better if you’re in the same building as them?”

                Fanis smiled, he finally caught on that she was messing with him.  He matched her sarcasm with, “Yea, shocking how that works out.”

                “And maybe, just maybe, the person who you’re protecting actually brings their family with them.”

                “Wait, so high ranking government officials and the family of the President of the United States travel with an entourage?”

                “I know right? Who knew?”

                Fanis switched to a serious voice and uttered, “Do you still trust the media?”

                “Look, every now and then you get shitty articles.  That doesn’t mean you condemn the whole industry.”

                “You do when it’s a majority of stories.”

                “And that’s where we differ.  Anyway, we’re leaving tomorrow.”

                “Are we going to stay in the same hotel?”

                Kera giggled again, “I guess so”

                Fanis shook his head and smirked.  “Where are we going?”


                “Nice! I love Copenhagen”

                While on the plane, Fanis opined, “Oh, finally the President is doing something for legal immigration.”

                “That’s not necessarily a good thing” Kera replied

                “He’s changing the definition of “public charge”

                “What was it before?”

                “You need to be self-sufficient if you’re going to get some government help.  Obama passed the law that only monetary contributions count but now Trump is including non-monetary benefits.”

                “Like what?”

                “Food Stamps, section 8 housing, Medicare, and Medicaid”

                “So he’s screwing the poor?”

                “No, he’s screwing the immigrants who come here to suck on the tit of America and do nothing to try to improve themselves.”

                “So, tax payer aid to the poor is going to Americans first”


                “Whatever happened to ‘Give me your tired, your poor, all those yearning to be free?”

                “Nothing .  That was a very nice poem that was written on a French gift to us.”

                “This policy goes against that?”

                “Why wouldn’t it?  The Statue of Liberty is not a government law document.  If someone were to graffiti something on it, it doesn’t become US law”

                “I’m not saying that….I’m just saying….”

                “Go on…”

                “Well, it contradicts the Statue of Liberty”

                “So what?  You don’t think everyone should carry guns and that is in the Constitution, which, unlike the Statue of Liberty, is a document describing US law.  Why do you want a strict interpretation of a statue but not the Bill of Rights?”

                “Both of our grandparents were immigrants to America.”

                “And they opened a diner together and worked their asses off.  They learned English and assimilated into the country not asking for hand outs but getting ahead with old fashioned hard work so that their kids could be lawyers, chemists and doctors.”

                “What about the kids? They can’t get meaningful jobs.  What about their opportunities?”

                “The president’s new law is only for people over 21.  It’s not even 18, which is an adult, it’s 21.”

                “It’s still racist.”


                “Because you’re saying Americans should get preferential treatment to non-Americans”

                “I never understand why liberals actually think that’s controversial.  Every country should look out for their citizens more than foreigners.  We’re on our way to Denmark.  I would expect that Denmark should care more about Danes than Americans.  If they don’t, then that’s pretty pathetic and unfair to their people.”

                “Denmark is very liberal”

                “I know that but even they probably like Danes better than anyone else.  Speaking about Denmark, can we go to Christianid.”

                “What’s that?”

                “It’s a place that hippies congregate.  They randomly declared themselves not part of Europe and pretend to be a free society.  The Copenhagen subway goes there.  They are your people.”

                “So then why do you want to go?”

                “It’s entertaining to me.”

                “I mean, I don’t see why not.”


                They land in Copenhagen and check into the hotel.  “Where should we eat? “ asks Kera


                “What’s that?”

                “They best place to eat in Copenhagen.  It’s an area with restaurants right next to a canal”

                “Okay, we can go there.”

                They take the train to Nyhavn and when they exit, Kera is looking at her phone for what specific restaurant to go to.  Fanis looks out and sees a hut on a dock on the water.  He says, “We’re going there.”

                “That place doesn’t have a name.”

                “Yea, but I bet they have really good seafood.”

                Kera and Fanis go down the stairs on the dock and order shrimp and a Carlsbad beer.  They sit at a table waiting for the food as they relax and drink their beers.  When a big bowl of shrimp arrives, Kera picks up one and her face contorts, “Umm, we have to like deturd these things.  Usually you just pull the shells off the back but you have to peel the shell off the entire thing and what are these little legs poking out of the sides”

                “Something else you have to pull off” Fanis explained matter of factly

                “I don’t think you should pick where we eat anymore.”

                “When you’re done peeling it, let me know how it tastes”

                Fanis pulled off the legs and shells and threw it in his mouth biting down as if to demonstrate his point.  Kera did the same and her eyes darted around the restaurant.  She glared at Fanis who had a smug expression on his face.  Kera smiled and articulated, “Okay, these are pretty fucking good.”

                “I told you.”

                After a little while, a man joined their table.  Kera was a little suspicious but Fanis was calm as he was quite confident in his abilities if it got ugly.  Fanis introduced himself and Kera and the man replied, “I’m Emil”

                “Nice to meet you.  Care to join us” offered Fanis

                “Sure, you’re Americans right?”

                “Well, we live in London now but originally yes we are Americans.”

                “It’s kind of crazy what’s going on over there with the backlash to Donald Trump”

                Kera shot Fanis a look but he was undeterred.  He pronounced, “Yes, it is.  He’s really shaking things up and exposing liberals for the libelous, scandalous, treacherous, hypocrites that they are.”

                “My English is pretty good but I’m afraid those words are too big for me.”

                “I just don’t like the people that try to destroy our country just because they hate the President.”

                Kera chimed in, “Not all people think like him.  I don’t like the President.”

                Emil rejoined, “Why not?”

                “He’s just so obnoxious and loud.  He just attacks everyone on twitter.”

                “Well, when he is attacked all the time, I don’t blame a man who defends himself and fires back.”

                “It’s unpresidential.”

                “I’m not sure about all that.  Although I’m not a big fan of your lax gun policy over there, threatening the Supreme Court is a little much.  It kind of goes to his point” pointing at Fanis “They want to change the rules because they didn’t get what they want.  They’re like small children.”

                Fanis smiled, “Exactly!”

                Kera inquired, “What do you mean what they’re doing to the Supreme Court?”

                “The Senate Democrats threatened the Supreme Court that if they don’t rule in favor of New York City about the strict gun laws they have in the city, then they’re going to change the number of justices to overrule them.  That sounds pretty tyrannical to me.”

                Fanis added, “They call it ’heal’ or ‘restructure.’  It’s not new.  FDR did the same thing when the Supreme Court struck down some of his ideas for the New Deal.”

                “How did it work out then?” Emil asked

                “Well, the Supreme Court upheld their rulings but they were a lot more lenient with future rulings.  It scared them since he had so much popular support.”

                “So it worked”

                “Not completely but it definitely had a positive effect.  You wouldn’t call it a mistake.”

                “Scary stuff.  It seems like America is going to become like Europe where when the other party wins an election, it completely changes every day life.”

                Fanis nodded his head and articulated, “I fear the same thing myself.  Times seem to have changed.  Heaven forbid Trump loses because whoever comes out of the Democratic primaries is going to be the most evil candidate we’ve ever had…except for Hillary Clinton but at least she was able to hide how evil she was.  These assholes are admitted socialists.”

                “Yea, if they knew what we Europeans know about socialism, they wouldn’t be anywhere near the presidency.”

                Kera blurted out, “But they claim to want to be like here.”

                “We’re not socialist.  We are capitalist with high individual taxes but business taxes are lower than they are in the United States.  That’s not what Democrats in America are proposing.  Anyway, what do you guys do?”

                Fanis always lied with this question and answered what he used to do, “I work accounting for a construction firm.”

                Kera, on the other hand, downplayed what she does but was more truthful with, “I am a liaison between England and China dealing with Chinese artifacts.”

                “Are you fluent in Chinese?”

                “It’s called ‘Mandarin’ but yes.”

                “What do you think about what’s happening in Hong Kong?”

                “Look, they want to be their own country.  Fine, but you can’t keep getting money from China and say you’re completely independent.  Either you’re self-sufficient or you’re not.  China has every right to put them in their place.”

                “I think they would choose to be completely independent on that one.”

                “Well, countries tend to not like when their territories want independence.  I don’t think America would be too happy if Puerto Rico, Guam or the Virgin Islands wanted to separate.”

                Fanis interjected, “America doesn’t oppress those countries.”

                “Neither does China.  Hong Kong is just whining.  Everyone pretend Mao is still in charge of China, he’s long gone.”

                Emil voiced, “I think the people of Hong Kong would disagree on that one.  Not the Mao part but the being oppressed part.”

                “Well let them try to take on China.  It won’t end well.  The Chinese military is much stronger than theirs.”

                Fanis shot back, “The fight in people yearning to be free will always be greater than the fight of a tyrant trying to maintain power.”

                “I don’t believe that.” Retorted Kera. 

                They sat for a while drinking beer and talking with Emil about more lighthearted things.  After a while, Kera and Fanis said good bye and took the train one stop to Christianid.  They walked around for a bit then went back to the hotel. 

                The next day, Kera went to her meeting.  It was always a toss-up if the people Kera was meeting with would let Fanis in with her.  Here, nobody made an issue of it. Unlike most deals, this one was a little contentious and Kera had to make calls in Mandarin a few times to talk with the seller.  In the end, a deal couldn’t be made but they separated amicably and professionally.  As they were leaving, Fanis opined, “Well that didn’t seem to go well.  What happened?”

                “The seller didn’t want to come down in price.”

                “Alright, so I’m sure that happens.”

                “It’s more of an issue now.  Most of my clients are in China and the little trade war with Trump is not helping my business.”

                “What do you mean? Trump delayed the tariffs because of the Christmas season.  China is the first country to call his bluff and he was bluffing”

                “Well, if he was bluffing then he’s too much of a moron to realize what I know.  If it was because of Christmas than China just caught a break but I don’t think that’s the reason”

                “What is then?”

                “Aren’t you an economist, you should know.”

                “Well, I know they devalued the Yuan to counteract the tariffs essentially giving everyone in China a pay cut.  US factories are also leaving and going to Vietnam and Mexico but now that the tariffs are lifted, they can raise their currency again.”

                “China’s industrial growth has hit a 17-year-low.  Think about it.  If you were a businessman in China would you be confident in the economy?”

                Fanis considered this for a minute and shook his head, “No, there’s too much uncertainty.  Who knows if the trade war starts up again in a couple months and the Yuan plummets again?”

                “Yea, the rich people in China agree.  They don’t really want Yuan anymore, which hurts China and helps everyone else.”

                “So Trump delaying the tariffs is giving them a lifeline?  He’s actually being nice.”

                “I wouldn’t go that far.  Let’s just say there’s a reason that after he delayed them, China was open to talking with him.”

                “Who requested the meeting?”


                “Oh, yea that means Trump’s scorched Earth policy was working.”

                “Between that and this Hong Kong situation, China is fighting too many battles right now.  They may not be able to sustain it.”

                “A bunch of trucks are coming into Hong Kong.  You think it’s Tiananmen Square Part 2?”

                “No, they’re not that stupid.  That would be a PR nightmare.  There’s too many cameras and information is spread too quickly for that.  They better resolve it peacefully or else we will seriously have a problem.”

                “So basically, the seller didn’t want to come down on the price because just a couple months ago the Yuan was worth more so he wants as many Yuan as he can get from it before it devalues more?  Why not just keep it in Euros or Krone (Currency of Denmark)?”

                “With Brexit and just the Danish economy in general, do you trust either of those currencies?”

                Fanis sighed, “No, I guess not.”

                “I could use a drink.”

                “There’s a bar that my friend told me about that has an interesting vibe to it.”

                “Alright, we’ll go there.”

                Fanis and Kera went to a bar that was filled with creepy looking dolls.  It was poorly lit with gothic lamps.  Kera looked around and asked, “When did your friend recommend this place?”

                “She studied abroad in Copenhagen and used to come here.”

                “Right, as a college student.  We’re in our 30s”

                Fanis looked around and realized that they were probably the oldest people in the bar.  “She told me about it in 2011 though.  I was graduated by then.”

                “You were 27.  Borderline too old but still mildly acceptable.”

                “Do you want to leave?”

                “No, I’m fine.  Let’s get a drink”

                They each got drinks and sat down.  Kera goes through her phone and reveals, “Well, Elizabeth Warren isn’t letting her whole ‘the cops are racist thing’ go.”

                “Oh God, what did she say now.”

                “She’s still on the Ferguson thing five years ago.  I mean a cop murdered an unarmed black man named Michael Brown.”

                “First of all, cops kill twice as many white people as blacks every year.  Can you name one like you just named Michael Brown?”

                Kera thought and replied, “No, I actually can’t”

                “Secondly, it was Obama’s Justice department led by Obama appointed Eric Holder that investigated the situation and deemed that it was not a murder but self-defense.”

                “An unarmed man died”

                “For attacking the cop, yes.  The cop should sue Elizabeth Warren for defamation for using the word ‘murder.’  That’s the only way that piece of shit will learn.”

                “He’ll lose”

                “Doesn’t matter.  The left always sues the right over every small thing.  It’s time we retaliate.  If I was the cop, I’d sue.  You can’t rely on the government to reprimand her.  I bet the media and all the Democrats double down and defend her horrendously ignorant statement.”

                “Yea, I actually they are.”

                “There you go, sue her.”

                “That is the American way” Kera commented facetiously. 

                A young woman who is probably in her late teens early 20s sits down.  She is around 5’9” with long blond hair and blue eyes.  As Fanis looks around, he is always weirded out that Scandinavia is full of tall people.  At 6’0”, Fanis isn’t short in most places.  He also isn’t unaccustomed to seeing people taller than him but if he walks down on a street in most cities in the world, he’s taller than most of the people he encounters.  The Netherlands is statistically the tallest country in the world but Denmark isn’t too far behind and a quick glance around, Fanis doesn’t doubt this as there are probably more men here that are taller than him than shorter.  As for the women, he likes tall girls so he welcomes this interruption.  The woman speaks first, “Hi I’m Lisbet”

                “I’m Fanis”


                “You American?” Lisbet asks

                “Guilty” says Kera and Fanis just smiles. 

                “I want to move to America.  I’ve been reading up on it.  Do you mind if I ask you some questions?”

                “Not at all” responds Fanis and Kera says nothing.  She can tell Fanis thinks this girl is cute.  Unfortunately for him, Kera knows that she is not flirting.

                “Well, here in Denmark, we have free schools.”

                Kera responds, “Yes, while in America we have to take out massive loans to pay for ours” glaring at Fanis

                “Right, I mean we have loans too?”

                Kera gives her a perplexed look and Fanis grins and declares, “Because room and board isn’t covered so you don’t mind paying that because tuition is free.”

                “Well, that’s still a good deal” Kera retorts

                “Not when you factor in that since everyone goes to University in Denmark, a degree doesn’t guarantee you a higher income as it does in America.”

                Kera looks at Lisbet hoping she’ll defend Denmark but she just nods, “This is true” she expresses

                “Well, it’s not guaranteed” Kera blurts back

                “It’s probable” added Fanis

                Kera sighs and Lisbet has an awkward expression.  She didn’t intend to spark a debate between them. She just wanted information.  She uses the pause to get the conversation back to her point with, “Well, that’s actually what I want to know.  I don’t have a lot of money but I want to start a family in America.  I hear the free schools are really bad in America”

                “It depends what city you move to.  Generally speaking though, yes, they can be pretty bad.” Fanis explained

                “Have you heard of Charter schools?”

                “Yes, I have.”

                “Are they better?”

                “Yes, almost always”

                “I hear really bad things about them.”

                “That’s because the public schools, or free school, as you call it are given money from the government based on how many kids they have.  All the teachers are in unions.  The union fights for money from the government and they give it to the teachers.  The more kids, the more money.  The problem is, the money isn’t based on how well the kids do in school so they don’t care about being a good school and giving them an education.  They want people who live in the district the school is in to be forced to go to their school so they can get more money.  If there was competition, like Charter Schools, then they would have to start actually trying to educate the kids rather than destining them to fail.”

                Kera exclaimed, “I went to public school, I turned out fine.”

                “You lived in a city with good schools.”

                “Why do they call it ‘resegregation’ would I be able to go to the Charter School even though I’m European?”

                “Yes, liberals in America, whenever they know that they have no facts, reason or data for a position they attack the other side and call them names.  Usually a racist because in America, being called a racist is one of the worst things you can be called.  Unfortunately, a lot of people give in once they get insulted to try to appease the accusers.”

                “That doesn’t work in Denmark.  We’re much tougher.  You call us names, we throw it right back at you and we keep with our beliefs and it doesn’t matter what you think.”

                “I wish conservatives and Republicans were the same way in America.”

                Kera interrupted, “You’re name calling the public school people.  You may not be calling them a name but you’re insinuating that they’re greedy bastards.  Where’s your facts and data?”

                “This debate is happening in North Carolina.  In North Carolina, charter schools have a higher percentage of blacks than the public schools.”

                “Because of quotas?

                “No, because of natural choice.  That’s why blacks are catching on to Trump’s message.  They are Americans so they want to be preferred over the immigrants.  Given the choice, they want to better themselves just like white people do.”

                “Preferring a race over another one is the definition of racism”

                “You think giving minorities a chance to succeed is racist?”

                Lisbet burst out, “I think I see your point.  She just called you a racist for doing exactly what she told you to do.  She asked for facts and data, you gave it to her and then she called you a racist.”

                Fanis threw up his hands, “There you go.  I rest my case.  This is what liberals do in America.”

                Kera’s eyes narrowed as she stared a hole in Fanis.  She then turned to Lisbet with the same expression and her face filled with anger.  She scolded, “Look little girl, everyone always thinks that America is this great place but both of us live in London.  If it’s so great, why did we leave?  Trust me, you’d be miserable in America.  You don’t see anything but pale white people here.  That’s not the case in America.  Stick to your university and your idealism.  Starting a family in America is tough.  You’re thinking about schools for your kids, do you even have any yet?  Stop skipping steps!”

                Lisbet lowered her head with a shocked offended look on her face.  It quickly left and she lifted her head and fired back, “Now I know why you live in London.  You’re rude,cheekiness fits right in over there.  I just asked a simple question.  There was no reason to get angry.  It was a conversation about charter schools, how is that offensive?”

                “Liberal Americans are offended by everything.” Fanis explained

                “I can see that.  Well, enjoy your night.  I’m going to go talk to my white friends” Lisbet said as she glared at Kera.

                Kera finished her drink and then told Fanis she wanted to go back to the hotel.  They paid their tab and headed back.  On the train, Kera uttered, “I guess I overreacted with that girl.”

                “Ya think?” Fanis snapped back sarcastically

                “It’s just that she was judging me.”

                “No, she was agreeing with me because you proved my point.”

                “Yea, girls suck at sticking together.”

                The next day, Fanis and Kera flew back to London.  As they did, a government official that Fanis met through Kera called Fanis.  He answered and the Englishmen posed, “Are you in town?”

                “I actually just landed.”

                “Jolly good, do you want to meet. I have some interesting information for you.”

                “Is this about Spygate?”

                ‘Indeed it is”

                “Oh, I’m definitely coming.”

                As he hung up, Kera asked, “Who was that?”


                “Oh God, I never should have introduced you two.  He’s got some more juicy information about how Trump is a victim in all this I take it?”

                “He didn’t say but I’m guessing yes since everything else he told me was under that category.”

                Kera gave a condescending smile and replied, “Alright, have fun”

                “Well, I’ll go with you back to the house to drop off my stuff, then I’ll meet him.”

                “Sounds good to me.”

                Fanis does exactly that and then meets up with Nigel.  Nigel starts, “Do you remember Svetlana Lokhova?”

                “Yea, she was a student at the Cambridge campus.  Halper sat her next to Mike Flynn so they could accuse Flynn of colluding with the Russians.  They said she was a Russian agent when she had been living in London for like 12 years.  There was never any proof.  Then, right around the election, Halper randomly invites Lokhova to his house for his wife’s birthday when she has never met his wife.  Pissed off about the rumors that she was fucking Flynn, she turned down the offer.”

                “’Pissed off’ is a good term for it.  Apparently, 5 years hasn’t healed this wound.  Lokhova is suing Halper for defamation”

                “Good for her!” shouted Fanis

                “I thought you would like that.  The funniest part is what Halper said to defend himself.”

                “Do tell” Fanis was beaming at this and leaned forward listening intently

                “He’s claiming immunity from the charge.  He says that he’s not a government agent and he wasn’t the source of the rumors about Lokhova, but if he was, he’d be entitled to immunity.”

                Fanis burst out laughing and mocked, “So, I want all the benefits of being a spy except I don’t want to be a spy.  So, just pretend I’m a spy just so I can get immunity but once the case is over, don’t call me a spy anymore.”

                Nigel carried on Fanis’ mocked tone and offered, “I mean, yea I spied on George Papadopoulos, Sam Clovis and Carter Page but I’m not allowed to admit that.  See it was all for my friend Richard Dearlove who used to be the head of MI6”

                “And it’s just a coincidence that Christopher Steele is in the center of this whole thing.  Steele just happened to work for Dearlove when Steele was an MI6 agent.”

                “And Steele mentioned Trubnikov as a source to Kathleen Kavalec at the State department.  Trubnikov just happened to have taught a course with Halper at Cambridge.”

                “But no, he has nothing to do with any of this.  He’s not a spy.”

                “Except, you know, when I’m being sued.”

                Fanis changed to a serious tone and posed, “Honestly though, this is good because now the FBI and CIA have to admit that he was a spy to save him from the lawsuit”

                Nigel shook his head, “No, they’re going to let him hang out to dry.  That’s the nature of the beast.  That’s why he couldn’t say he was a spy. He knows he’s on his own.  When a spy is caught, the host government denies any association with them.  You’ve seen the movies.”

                “I didn’t know they were true.”

                “They are on this one chap.  Only question is did Halper work on his own or did a government tell him to do it?”

                “I think it’s pretty obvious that a, or both, governments told him to do it.”

                “It’s possible he started free lance and then offered it to the FBI and CIA”

                “It’s possible but doubtful.  Brennan knew about the Cambridge campus.  He knew Dearlove.  I still think Brennan set this whole thing up.  It’s too convenient that Halper invites all these targeted people.  Spygate is a multifaceted deep state collusion campaign to take down Donald Trump with a bunch of players.  There’s no way that Halper was a rogue agent. “

                “I’m glad you’re so sure.  Many people with access to much more sources than you or me doubt this.”

                “Well, until I see something that doesn’t fit my theory, I’m going with it”

                “That makes sense.  How are you otherwise?”

                Nigel and Fanis spoke for a while sharing pints of beer.  After a couple hours, they left each other and Fanis went back to the house.  Kera didn’t even bother asking what they talked about.  She wasn’t into Spygate.  Kera hoped that things in China improved or else her business would be severely affected.  For Fanis’ part, he was just along for the ride.  He liked that he hung out with his cousin a lot but knew that life has a way of changing quickly. 




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