Thursday, August 22, 2019

Real Characters Episode 20 Hillary's Fascist Tactics

                Hillary Clinton has managed to stay under the radar ever since losing the 2016 election to Donald Trump.  This is an impressive feat because she by no means is sitting back.  She has spent most of her adult life making the United States Justice System her own personal mafia and has bought and paid for the Democratic party.  She receives a phone call from a member of the Department of Justice that’s reporting for the new Inspector General Harrowitz.  She answers amicably but soon the question gets a little too raw.  The man asks, “Mrs. Clinton, it has just been discovered that all but four e-mails sent from your private server were CC’d to a G-mail account by the name of  Are you familiar with that company?”

                Hillary’s body tenses up but she doesn’t let it affect her voice.  She responds, “No, I do not”

                “So you have no idea why almost all your e-mails were forwarded to it?”

                “No comment.  I’m not answering any more questions without my lawyer.”

                “You are not under arrest ma’ame, we’re just trying to get information.  You are aware that the inspector general has no prosecutorial power.”

                “I am aware of that but my answer is still ‘no comment.’”

                “Very well, so I’m sure you don’t know if that e-mail address has any relation to Shandong Carter Heavy Industries Co. LTD, which is a Chinese excavation company.”

                “I am not aware of any construction I am doing in China so I have no idea why you think I would need a Chinese excavating company.”

                “Well that would be our confusion as well Ma’ame”

                “Well, we’re both confused so there you have it.”

                “So, just for the record, you don’t know if that e-mail address and the Chinese company are associated with each other?”

                “No comment.  I’m not going to say it again.”

                “Very good.  Enjoy your day Ma’ame.”

                “You too”

                Hillary hangs up the phone and immediately calls her IT person.  It’s a quick conversation telling him that he set up the dummy e-mail address so that her e-mails would be in the cloud to be accessed at a remote location.  Her next phone call was to Google.  She spoke with an executive and informed him of her phone call.  She expressed in no uncertain terms that if Google cooperates with the Inspector General, Barr or any of Trump’s allies, Google would sorely regret it.”

                The executive responds, “Respectfully, we have done everything we can for you. We’ve suppressed conservatives.  We’re even going through a lawsuit with PragerU after our censorship of them.  We have been on the front lines of this fight standing right next to you.  Do you really think we’re going to just give in to Trump’s henchman?”

                “I do appreciate that but I just have to make sure we’re on the same page.”

                “We are”

                “There’s one more thing I need to ask you”


                “The border patrol is using your cloud to coordinate with each other and share information to defend the border more efficiently.  You need to publicly announce that you will not work with them because you don’t condone their human right violations.”

                “We work with China and countries that have repeatedly been condemned by international communities for human rights violations.  It’s a little ridiculous that we draw the line with the United States border.”

                “No, it won’t.  People are stupid.  They won’t see the hypocrisy.  You need to harass these people so that nobody tries to join them.  They need to be on an island.  I want them to suffer.”

                “We’ve already blacklisted them and banned words like ‘Trump’ and ‘shooter’ among others.  We’ve censored conservatives from YouTube.  The ones we can’t ban, we’ve demonetized.  We have an all out assault on conservatives, it’s getting difficult to ignore.”

                “We will win.  You don’t need people to ignore it.  You need people to fear it.  There is no mercy.  There is no ‘we’ve done enough.’  Step on the throats.  Threaten the border patrol and refuse to work with them”

                “Alright, I’ll get a couple hundred employees to sign a petition saying they refuse to work with them.”

                “Thank You”

                “If I may point out one thing Ma’ame”


                “Ever since Sleeping Giant released that blacklist of people who supported Breitbart in 2016, companies have responded by not sponsoring any political organization, left and right.”

                “Yes, I know, it’s a scorched Earth campaign.”

                “A scorched Earth campaign would hurt our enemies more than us.  This is the opposite.  The data suggests that the Washington Post , CNN and the Wall Street Journal have been roped into this.  Sponsors still go to conservative shows because they have viewers and it’s hard to ignore them.  We seem to be hurting mainstream media more than conservative podcasts, apps and shows.”

                “We don’t need them when we have you and other online platforms do we?”

                “I guess.  I just wanted to make you aware.”

                “Trust me; I’ve been doing this a long time.  I know what I’m doing.”

                The conversation ended and the Google executive started thinking that if Hillary was so willing to let mainstream media after years of loyalty die, than she would throw Google under the bus once they became expendable too.  Right now, though, Google needed Hillary as an ally.  She is still the greatest mob boss that has ever existed. 

                Hillary goes to a meeting with five Democrat Senators such as Blumenthal and Gellibrand.  She starts the meeting with, “I called this meeting to talk about the Supreme Court case with New York City’s gun ban.”

                “Yea, I’m a little nervous because there is a Republican majority.” Blumenthal opines

                “Not really, Justice Roberts doesn’t count”

                “Why not”

                “He scares easily.  That is why you guys need to write a brief threatening him that if he doesn’t rule the way we want, then you’re going to pack the courts and there will no longer be nine justices.”

                Gellibrand chimes in, “Didn’t FDR try that and fail?  He had a lot more political capital than we do and he was president and still couldn’t get it done.”

                “We don’t have to get it done.  We just need to make the threat to make Roberts piss his pants and rule in our favor.”

                “What makes you think it’ll work?”

                “Because it’s what we did to him for the Citizenship ruling.  Now we know we own him.”

                “He wasn’t too strongly against it.  He said Trump was right he just didn’t like the wording.”

                “He ruled against it right?  Think in black and white terms.  When you’re dealing with a squeamish little bitch, you can’t expect him to strongly oppose someone.  He will meekly rule against the gun thing too but the point is he will rule against it if we harass, threaten and intimidate him.”

                “It’s worth a shot.  We’re in no danger of losing a re-election because we’re in securely blue states.”

                “Thank You”

                As the meeting adjourns, the five Senators do exactly that.  The New York Times picks it up and writes it up like they are heroes defending the country.  Hillary sees it and shakes her head.  She can’t believe people still doubt her.  When she says something, she wishes people would just obey without question.  Her phone rings and she looks at the caller ID.  It’s from Elizabeth Warren, who is in New Hampshire campaigning.  She answers the phone.  Warren starts, “Hey Mrs. Clinton, I would like to thank you again for helping me with my campaign.”

                “No problem.  I hate Bernie Sanders so I needed someone to out-communist him and you’ve done well.”

                “Yes, on that note.  I do want to ask you about how to spin the Ferguson gaff I made”

                “You mean by saying that Michael Brown was murdered even though Obama appointed Eric Holder ruled that the use of force was necessary?”

                “Yes, that.”

                “Just say that semantics don’t matter.  The point is an unarmed man was shot.  People will never know the difference.”

                “So, just don’t focus on the details.  Big picture, forest not trees”


                “Alright, I just never know how that works.  The meat is always in the details.”

                “Most people don’t know that.”

                “Well, the fact that I’m second in the polls is kind of proof of that.”

                “There you go”

                “Alright, I’ll do that.”

                Hillary sent a reporter to ask the question with the instruction to immediately drop the issue after getting the programmed response.  The plan worked perfectly.  Now nobody can claim that they never asked her the tough question.  Though, if she was a Republican, she would have been harassed and hounded by follow up questions on the same topic until she apologized or withdrew from the campaign.  Of course, if she apologized, they would just claim that it wasn’t good enough and kept the pressure on.  

                Hillary is frustrated when Elizabeth calls back after her campaign.  She answers the phone and Warren inquires, “You know how I’m running on Medicare for All?”


                “Are you aware that in the cities that still have ObamaCare, the members that aren’t subsidized are flocking out?”

                “Well, we knew we’d lose some when Trump got rid of the individual mandate.  It makes the Guaranteed issue part a problem”    

                “Not some, 2.5 million people that are not government subsidized have dropped ObamaCare”

                “That seems like a big number but numbers that stand alone is how you lie with statistics.  There’s like 330 million people in America.”

                “Yea, but most of them don’t have ObamaCare.  If you want percentages, 40% of non-subsidized people have dropped ObamaCare since 2015.”

                “What’s your point?”

                “My point is, if people hate ObamaCare so much then why would expanding it work?”

                “It’s about power, not helping people.  ObamaCare is destined to fail because of community rating.  Elderly people cost five times more than younger people for healthcare but community rating says you can’t charge elderly people more than three times younger people.  That makes the insurance companies lose money.  That’s what drives the costs of healthcare up.  That’s why we have to eliminate private insurance to make it work.  And, like I mentioned, since the individual mandate has been abolished, people can wait till they get sick before getting insurance.  Why would you pay for insurance when you can just wait till you actually use it and then get it for free?”

                “So Trump made sure that ObamaCare would fail.”

                “ObamaCare was going to fail anyway.  Trump just sped it up.  That’s why we need to take over the entire industry and make sure that nobody gets healthcare unless we say so.  People will wait six months to see specialists unless they are good to us then we’ll put them through quicker.  This way our enemies die quicker and our friends live longer.  Over time, we rule America.”

                “Thank you for explaining it to me.”

                “No problem”

                When Hillary hung up the phone she thought that Elizabeth was getting a little too bold.  Hillary was contemplating getting someone else that is more of a puppet and doesn’t ask so many questions that forces her to admit that she is scamming the American people. 


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