Saturday, August 31, 2019

Real Characters Episode 22 Comey's War

                FBI director Jim Comey has seen the improbable happen; Donald Trump has just won the Republican nominee to run against Hillary Clinton for President of the United States.  At this moment, he vows to himself that he will make sure President-nominee Trump never becomes President Trump.  He calls in two of his most trusted employees, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page and makes Strzok the lead counsel in the mission to take down Donald Trump.  In addition to them,  Comey has put together a kabal of people with the same mission in mind. 

                In the end, despite their best efforts, they fail.  When Donald Trump becomes President Trump, Comey’s group each call him in a panic about what’s going to happen to them.  Comey tells them all the same thing.  He tells them all that none of them will go down for this.  He points out that people like Hillary Clinton have put together this deep swamp state and have turned the Department of Justice into a liberal mafia.   He reassures them that this network of influence was not built overnight and it cannot be dissolved in four years. So even if now President Trump finds out about all they did to illegally spy on him and paint him as a Russia spy, he won’t be able to prosecute.  Comey adds that although Trump is a billionaire, they have multiple millionaires and billionaires on their sides and all of their power, influence and capital will go to making sure that there are no ramifications for the entrapment and attempt to sabotage a sitting United State’s President. 

                Now that Comey’s original goal to stop him from being president has failed, he comes up with another idea.  He decides he’s going to get close to President Trump and take detailed memos and notes on the conversation.  On January 6, 2019, Jim Comey goes to Trump Tower to meet with the President-elect.  He has already read a dossier he thinks was written by a trusted FBI informant, Christopher Steele.  In reality, it was written by Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS who was paid by Hillary Clinton through a law firm named Perkine Coie to dig up oppositional research on Trump.  One of the allegations in the dossier is that when Trump was in Moscow, he attended an event in a hotel room where prostitutes were giving Golden Shower shows.  Comey doesn’t bother verifying the information.  Steele did good work on the FIFA corruption scandal so naturally assumes this was good work too.  Technically he’s supposed to take the information and put it through the Woods procedure.  That is just an official name to mean sending it to Britain, New Zealand, Canada and Australia to see if their counterintelligence divisions can verify it.  Comey does none of this.  His way of verifying it is to get the President to offer information that is only found in the dossier.  He states “Mr. President-elect, I just want you to know that there is a dossier circulating alleging that while you were in Russia for the Miss Universe pageant, there was an incident with a prostitute in a hotel room.  It’s not a big deal; we’ve determined these allegations to be salacious and unverified.”

                “I don’t know what they’re talking about.  When I was in Moscow for that trip, I was only there for like 39 hours and almost all of them were in business meeting with a business man over there.”

                “So you’re not aware of a prostitute coming to the hotel that you were staying?”

                “Not all”

                “Sir, it’s important that you tell me.  We need to get ahead of this.  I’m here to help you.”

                “All my time was spent with a man who I can assure you is not a hooker.”

                “Alright, that’ is what I thought sir.  Like I said, I believe this information to be salacious and unverified.”

                Comey returns to his home and writes a memo about his meeting with Donald Trump carefully and diligently documenting everything that happened.  As he’s writing it, one of his close group of people that is involved in the conspiracy asks, “Sir, should we really be documenting this?  I mean what if someone reads these memos?  It lays out how we tried to set up and take down the President of the United States.”

                “That is never going to happen.  I have contingencies set up to make sure nobody ever reads them.  I know how to cover my ass and be completely free of culpability.  Trust me, I know what I’m doing.’

                “Are you going to classify them?”

                “Not yet”

                “What do you mean?”

                “The order of things is very important here.  Everything is going to be revealed shortly, don’t worry.  The staffer leaves Comey to his memos.  In all, Comey will write seven memos.  He calls a friend of his, Daniel Richards and says, “Hey Dan, Jim”

                “Hey Jim, what can I do for you?”

                “I’m going to send you some memos of me meeting with the president.  I need you to give them to the media.”

                “Why can’t you do it?”

                “it’s illegal if I do it.”

                “So, why isn’t illegal if I do it?”

                “Because after you leak it, I’m going to classify them.  I’m then going to hire you as my personal lawyer so that you are not legally obligated to reveal anything due to attorney client privilege.”

                “Also, as the FBI director’s personal lawyer, I get security clearance so you are not culpable for leaking the memos to me.”

                “Now you’re getting it.”

                “I must say that is a genius plan.”

                “What else did you expect?” Comey’s voice had a tinge of sarcasm in it but Richmond thought that Comey actually did believe he was a genius, thus always had genius plans.  Richmond hung up the phone complicit in Comey’s overt act to shield himself from culpability if it ever comes out what he did to Trump. 

                Comey gives the memos to Richmond and then Richmond gives it to the media.  Comey then calls together a meeting with Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, who are now having an affair because of all the time they’ve spent together the last couple months trying to make the President’s term a living hell.  The meeting is about which memos they should declare classified.  This is odd because the very people that are most culpable for the underhanded tactics these memos reveal, are the ones meeting to see what can be shared.  Strzok says, “What about Memo 2”

                “I gave it to Daniel and he’s giving it to the media.”

                Page inquires, “Which one is that?”

                “That one makes sure that Trump doesn’t have his guard up.  I went to Trump tower and told him that he wasn’t under investigation.”

                “So you lied to the President?” Page responds

                “Yes I did but sometimes you have to protect POTUS (President of the United States) from himself.”

                “What did he say?”

                “He asked me if I could investigate his satellite officers because it would be good to know if any of them are in bed with the Russians.”

                “How did you respond?”

                “That it was up to him.  I just wanted to be clear that people don’t misconstrue what I’m doing.”

                “But they aren’t.  They think you’re investigating the President and you are.”

                “I understand that but I don’t want others to understand that.  I want people who think that to be shamed by their peers.  It will be a hell of a social media advertizing campaign but we can do it.”

                Strzok got the meeting back on track with, “What about Memo 3?”

                “That’s the one about the FISA orders.  I think we should classify that one.”

                “I agree.  Did you release it to Dan?”

                “No, and nobody is going to let him know that.  The FISA could hurt us because we used knowingly false information to obtain FISAs on a lot of people.  That one doesn’t get leaked. “

                “Alright, so did you just give it to Dan?”

                “No, I leaked them to three people.  None of them are media sources so if shit hits the fan, we’ll keep the narrative that it’s leaks to the media that’s illegal.  That way I will be cleared of any wrongdoing since I didn’t leak to the media.  I leaked to people who then leaked to the media.”

                Page chimes in, “Let’s make sure that we’re all on the same page.  There are seven memos.  (1) Trump Tower briefing about the dossier but telling him not to worry about it.  (2) Dinner in the green room.  The needed loyalty and expected loyalty.  This is where Trump tells you to investigate Russian collusion with his satellites.  (3) White House meet and greet and the FISA information (4) Oval Office homeland threat briefing and the Mike Flynn firing (5) Trump calls you to check in (6) Lifting the cloud about the incorrectly marked secret document at your house and (7) Another phone call about lifting the cloud.”

                “That’s correct.  All of them are FOUO (For Official Use Only).”

                Shortly after this meeting, Comey is fired as FBI director.  On July 29, 2017, a series of texts between Lisa Page and Peter Strzok are declassified and released talking about how they, in cooperation with the Obama White House, tried to set up and stop Donald Trump from being president.  All of them are fired from the FBI for these revelations.  In public, Comey will admit that the President can fire him for any reason he wants.  In fact, he explains, he doesn’t even need a reason.  In private, he is fuming.  The three of them are once again meeting but this time Comey doesn’t seem in control.  He has been ranting and Stzok replies, “Calm down, we took precautions.  Hillary and Obama still control the DOJ so none of us will go to jail.”

                Comey rejoins, “I don’t care if I go to jail for a couple years.  It’s federal prison so it’s not a big deal.  Aside from that, if I go to jail for trying to take down a racist president, then I will be a hero in jail.  I will by a martyr and everyone will want to hire me when I get out.”

                “So, why are you upset?”

                “I’ve been humiliated.  Nobody is going to hire me now.  My reputation is all I have.  It’s my name and now it’s being dragged through the mud by that bully.  This is devastating to us.”

                “Us?  How do you think I feel?  My marriage was ruined by this.”

                Page looks back and forth and wonders if Strzok forgot that she was in the room.  Comey continues, “I can’t believe he stripped me of my power.  This isn’t the end.  I’m going to set up a special counsel to specifically investigate him for Russian collusion.  I have to call Andy McCabe, he can get it done.”

  There is more ranting back and forth and then Comey leaves and calls McCabe to set up a special counsel to investigate the president and everyone that works for him.  It will go on for over two years and the council will be headed by former FBI director Bob Mueller and several people who worked for, or is closely tied to, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.  Andy McCabe made it happen and even though he would tell people that there was no effort to obstruct the investigation, including the firing of Jim Comey, the Mueller probe would expand its scope to exactly that.  Shortly after being fired, FBI officials arrive at Comey’s house asking if he has any of the memos in his house.  He refuses and says that he doesn’t have them. 

                When Mueller finds no evidence of collusion and asks newly appointed attorney general Bill Barr to decide about obstruction, Barr becomes suspicious just how this Russian collusion investigation started.  He quickly determines that McCabe was right; there was no effort to obstruct the investigation in any way, let alone by Donald Trump.  In fact, Comey’s memos cleared the president of obstruction since President Trump asked him to investigate and Comey lied and told him he wasn’t under investigation.  How do you obstruct an investigation that you’re not even aware exists?

                Bill Barr speaks to inspector General Horrowitz and appoints Jeff Durham to investigate the origins of the Russian collusion investigation.  After a couple months, Horrowitz calls Barr and says, “Sir, I have finished my investigation.”

                “Alright, what did you find?”

                “Well as you know the FBI has to report any knowledge of classified information being leaked to anyone.”

                “I do know that”

                “Well Comey didn’t tell anyone that he leaked his memos to his lawyers.  He violated the terms of conditions of his FBI employment.”

                “That’s true but I’m not sure it’s enough for me to go to court with.”

                “There were three crimes that were committed during the course of this investigation.  The first is there were leaks of classified information to the Washington Post.  Also, Mike Flynn’s conversation with Ambassador Kislayek was leaked illegally to the Washington Post and finally the material misrepresentation to the FISA court.”

                “And Comey is responsible for all three?”

                “No, there is no evidence that Jim Comey leaked any classified information to the media; Washington Post or otherwise.”


                “With that said, I would recommend that you prosecute.”

                “Well, before we get to that conclusion.  Let’s go through all the information.  Did you look into his memos?”

                “I did”

                “What did you find?”

                “Comey told me that they were personal notes” he said dispassionately

                “I take it you don’t believe that.”

                “No, and I have evidence”

                “Let’s hear it”

                “When I interviewed McCabe, he referred to them as a record of Comey’s official correspondence with the President as his role as FBI director.”

                “So, it is an official FBI document, it’s not personal.”

-              “I’m not done”

                “Don’t hold back on my account”

                “Even after Comey was fired, he called the FBI and insisted that the memos be part of the FBI record.”

                “Despite that, he still tries to tell us that they were for personal use only”

                “Did anyone else comment on this?”

                “Yes, lower level members of the investigation, Baker and Rybicki all took the memos as official FBI records.  They both claim that Comey never referred to them as personal memos to them nor did they hear anyone else say that or Comey tell anyone that.”

                “You’ve been busy.”

                “Just to put a cherry on top, Bill Priestep said they viewed the memos as an FBI work product by the director in an official capacity.”

                “It sounds like the FBI is turning on each other.”

                “Yea, they’re all worried that they’re going down.  The upper level people are very well protected but the lower level people are scared shitless.”

                “It seems like you thoroughly disproved that these memos were personal rather than an official FBI record.”

                “I did.  It’s clear that Comey disseminating the memos to non-government officials is a blatant violation of his FBI employment agreement.  That’s why I think you should prosecute.”

                “He didn’t really do anything illegal.  Violating the terms of his FBI agreement is bad policy but not illegal.  He leaked the memos to his lawyers but he gave them security clearance and technically the memos weren’t classified when he gave it to them.  It seems he got other people to break the law for him.  I don’t think there’s enough for court.  I may prove in court that these memos are official FBI record but so what?  This case is a loser.”

                “Well, I’m disappointed to hear that sir and respectfully disagree.”

                “Comey wants to go to court.  He wants a judge to clear him so he can gloat.  I’m not going to give him that satisfaction.  I encourage you to release your report to the public.  Excoriate and chastise Comey for all the things he did that was against FBI policy and practice.  The whole Mueller probe started because his colleagues were upset he got fired.  Have your report prove why he was fired.  As for actual legal prosecution, this isn’t the fight.  Perhaps the FISA abuse will be what finally nails him in court but I’m sorry this isn’t it.  You will get your chance to humiliate and smear his name.  I think that is worse to him than prison because he’s a pretentious, arrogant sociopath.”

                “That’s a fair compromise.”

                Inspector General Horrowitz takes Barr’s advice and releases his reports condemning Comey in no uncertain terms.  All Comey focuses on is that part that says he didn’t leak to the media.  He gloats and brags about being cleared but other people read the entire 83 page report that talks about the shady things he did that violated FBI policy.  Comey, however, didn’t get to where he was without friends.  Media member Ben Wittes gets on the TV and criticizes the inspector general for declaring that Comey leaking non-public information starts a dangerous precedent.  Wittes took it as a message to the FBI that if you’re an agent, you need to keep your mouth shut.”

                Horrowitz saw the clip and is perplexed.  He asks the TV, “The FBI is supposed to be able to keep classified information classified.  Their job is to keep their mouth shut on non-public information.  Besides, Comey has definitely not been silent.  That attention media-whore is constantly on every mainstream media network attacking the president.   Are people really dumb enough to not remember their own personal experience?  Just ask yourself, if you’ve ever seen Comey commenting on something.”

                As the interview continues, Wittes claims that Trump obstructed justice with the Mike Flynn investigation.  Again, Horrowitz says exasperatingly, “How can you say that when McCabe even said there was no effort to obstruct.  Do you have a memory?”

                The inspector general gets back to work on the FISA court abuse.  He is disappointed that Barr didn’t prosecute but that was a frustration that came with the job.  He quickly forgot about it and moved on to the next investigation. 

                Bill Barr is reviewing notes and documents trying to paint a narrative that can win in court.  He knows this is a battle that will need a lot of time and January 2021 is too soon.  If there is any hope to get to the bottom of the entrapment, set up and attack on President Trump, President Trump will have to win re-election.  Otherwise the new president will probably fire Barr and Durham and sweep the whole conspiracy and scandal under the rug like it never happened.  He is deeply entrenched in the fight but when he puts his ear to the ground, he can see how frustrated the president’s supporters are that nobody that opposes Trump is in jail right now.   

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