Friday, August 2, 2019

Nouno the Vigilante Episode 15 Ignorant Retribution

                A young white college girl is in the Mott Haven section of the Bronx in New York City.  She heads to the rooftop to admire the view and relax a little.  As she sits up there, she thinks about her future.  She is just about half way done with college and has enjoyed the bit of freedom she has from her parents but knows that once she graduates, she will have to have full responsibilities.  She does realize that nowadays, it is common for kids to move back in with their parents after college and live off them till their late 20s but she doesn’t really want to do that.  She likes her freedom and wants to enjoy it.  She has no doubt that once she graduates, her parents will put more pressure on her to make something of herself.  It’s okay now since her focus should be on college so they’re willing to help out with finances a little bit.  What she doesn’t know is that her life is about to take a severe turn for the worse.


                Temar Bishop is out on parole.  He’s a black man that was arrested for armed robbery.  At 23, many people his age are attacking the real world as they have graduated college and looking towards the next step.  His education, however, came from prison.  In prison, he constantly saw various politicians such as Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris talk about how black people are entitled to reparations.  As the other inmates cheer this on, Bishop starts blaming white people for him being incarcerated.  He constantly hears from other inmates that during slavery they only bred the big and dumb ones and killed the intelligent ones.  That is why black people don’t do as well in school.  Inmates are notorious for giving any reason except themselves for why they are where they are.  It’s one thing when you hear it from other inmates but when politicians back that up, it really weighs on a young mind like Temar’s.  After he goes out on parole, he hangs out in the Bronx.  He notices a white girl go into a building and he follows.  The building is on Alexander Avenue where he knows people.  The mere site of a white woman triggers everything Warren, Harris and Waters were talking about.  He thinks about how hard he had it in prison and how it hurt his life.  He doesn’t blame it on his grabbing a weapon and using it to rob someone.  It couldn’t be for that, but it’s because of white people and an institution that had ended over 140 years ago.  As these things circulate in his head, he feels he needs to get revenge for what white people did to his ancestors.  At least, he assumes because he doesn’t actually know if any of his ancestors were slaves he just assumes that because various Democrats, who were the slave owners in 1961, have inculcated that in his head.

                Temar walks up the stairs and sees her with his back towards him.  He grabs her by the shoulder and throws her on to the ground.  The white girl rolls over onto her back and Temar mounts her.  He rips open her shirt and squeezes her breasts hard.  He taunts, “Yea, bitch, your people used to rape us now it’s time you know how it feels”

                “Get off me!”

                “I’m sure my ancestors resisted when your ancestors raped them.”

                As the girl squirmed, Temar undid her pants and tore them open sending the zipper down.  Although Temar was skinny for a man, he was bigger than the white girl and could easily manhandle her.  He slipped down his own pants and lowered hers just enough to reveal her groin.  As soon as Temar used his member to penetrate her, the fight went out of the white woman.  He thrusted his penis into her repeatedly and then turned her around and sodomized her aggressively as blood poured down her legs from both holes near her pelvis.  Tears streamed down her face.  She tried pleading, “I didn’t do anything to you.  My ancestors weren’t slave owners”

                Temar just slapped her in her the head and yanked her hair and screamed, “Don’t lie to me bitch.”

                Temar rolled her on to her back and looked down at a tear stricken face who was pale in shock and pain.  The pained desperate expression on her face only supported her words begging him to stop and that he made his point.  Temar took in this vision and decided that he had to do something to rectify it.  He wanted to make sure she didn’t look pretty anymore.  He made a fist with his right hand and punched her in the face.  He yelled, “You think I’m going to feel sorry for you?  This is what you people did to us during slavery.  It’s payback time” as fists rained down lacerating her face.  Temar got up and watched the white woman coil in pain.  He kicked at her back, face and chest walking around her body constantly reminding her that he’s only doing to her what white people had been doing to blacks.  His eyes darted up and he said calmly, “You know, how could I forget, you people whipped us too.” 

                He took off his belt and folded it and slapped it all over the woman’s body.  He bellowed, “This is what you get.  How does it feel to be on the other end of it?  Payback is a bitch you cunt.”

                “I’m sorry” the girl muttered weakly

                “Sorry isn’t good enough” as the belt came down across her face. 

There were more punches and kicks before Temar got tired so finally left her on the rooftop writhing in pain.  Her body was a bloody mess from her face down to her legs. 


Meanwhile thousands of miles away in Arizona, Nouno and Abby are a Greek couple that are enjoying the day.  Since they both have jobs that require them to work from home, they can log in remotely anywhere in the world.  This allows them to travel often and they have used that freedom to become vigilantes.  Lately, Democrats have stopped law and order in the country and minorities were getting away with various crimes because cops believed that they would be labeled racist if they prosecuted them.  The mayor and management backed up this fear so a lot of violent criminals walked the streets.  Nouno and Abby knew they couldn’t make much of a dent in this but they figured that every person they eliminated from the population was one less person that can terrorize someone.  Since Abby had previously worked for a funeral home, she was well versed in preparing bodies.  She also knew how to use cremation machines and clean them so as not to let anyone know she was there.  Picking the locks was easy as not many people actually tried to break into a crematorium.  Abby chose the victims and Nouno was usually the one who carried it out.  She calls out to her husband Nouno, “Well, looks like you’re going home.”

Although they lived in Arizona now, Nouno had spent most of his life in New York City.  To him, it would always be home.  He got there when Bloomberg first took office and stayed until De Blasio ruined everything that Giuliani and Bloomberg did for the city.  Nouno perked up and declared, “Nice, I haven’t had a decent pizza in years.  I can get bagels too!”

“You never eat bagels”

“Because the bagels here suck.  But now I get a New York bagel; much better.”

Abby rolled her eyes and said, “That’s all you can think about?  You don’t want to know what he did.”

“No, I trust your judgment.  He must have done something bad if he’s on your list.  Oh wait, Trump is going to give a speech there.  I’d like to go catch it.”

“This isn’t a site seeing trip, it’s business!” Abby exclaimed, “ Besides, you know how much I hate the President”

“But you know how much I like him.” He said with a smile

                Abby smiled back, “Yes, I do but remember he’s the one letting a lot of these people out of jail.”

                “For lower level crimes like drug possession.”

                “You do know that a lot of, if not most, people in jail for lower crimes are only there because they cooperated in exchange for a reduced charge to get immunity on larger crimes or to rat on someone else.”

                “Yes, I do know that but I’d like to think that the president or people he appoints reviews the cases and makes sure those people stay in jail.”

                “Well, our target is a guy who was on parole and raped and severely beat a woman during his parole so yea, maybe they’re letting some people out that shouldn’t be.”

                “Was he released because of Trump’s policy?  What was he in for?”

                “I don’t know but it’s possible.  He was in for armed robbery.”

                “That doesn’t sound low level like Trump’s policy”

                “Not the issue”

                “Actually I think it was.”

                Abby shakes her head and storms out of the room.  They pack and fly to New York a week later.   Nouno and Abby got their start by defending the border and helping when huge caravans were charging the border.  Nouno and a bunch of other people got guns and fired at illegals coming through.  As more and more ICE agents came, they left it to the government.  When Nouno would read stories of how the detainment facilities were overcrowded and the amount of migrants coming in looking for loopholes in the system, he constantly wondered if he should go back to being a minute man, or regular citizen defending the country against invaders.  It’s because of where they lived, that Nouno and Abby were very clear about what was happening at the border.  Abby was on the plane looking through her phone and she sighed.  Nouno asked, “What?”

                “There’s a Democratic that is attacking Trump’s Baltimore comments by saying that it’s coming from someone that manufactured a crisis at the border.”

                “See, Baltimore is so shielded from the outside world and the truth that she didn’t get the memo that they’ve moved on to say that the border conditions are Trump’s fault and that he’s running concentration camps.”

                “Only the squad says they’re concentration camps but yes the other Democrats do acknowledge the border is out of control.”

                “But won’t do anything to help.  In fact, they try to stop anyone from helping.”

                “Yes, we all know that.”

                “The Democratic Representative woman goes on to say that it’s not about drug smuggling and violent crimes because walls don’t help with that.  What they need is more drugs and technology.”

                “So, we’re going to have a bunch of dogs and drones patrolling hundreds of miles trying to find drugs on people when we can’t even find the people?”

                “I think she assumes all illegal immigrants come at a port of entry.”

                “Okay, then she’s retarded”

                “No, she’s just wrong.  Don’t resort to name calling, it’s not nice.”

                “She’s a retard”  Abby slaps Nouno in the chest and he smiles.  Nouno takes a more serious tone and asks, “Is there anything that’s prompting this?”

                “Yea, the Supreme Court struck down the stay on the construction of 100 miles of border to be built in California and New Mexico.”

                “Oh good”

                “Yea, Democrats claim they’re not done fighting”

                “Yea, I won’t believe it until it’s built either.  Many people in Trump’s base are frustrated with how slow this construction is going.”

                “Judges seem to be getting frustrated too.”

                “What do you mean?”

                “Clarence Thomas is trying to discontinue national injunction because they’re being abused.”

                “Well yea, there’s been 39 national injunctions since Trump took office.  By comparison, there were only two when Obama was president and he was president for eight years and Trump is only on year 3.”

                “What is a national injunction?”

                “When a local district judge can stop a policy nationally until his case is done.”

                “That seems stupid.  Local courts should always be trumped by federal courts.”

                “Well, some people believe in power to the States.”

                “Yea but we Democrats don’t, it’s you Republicans that like state rights.  So wait, do you think it’s a good idea?”

                “No, on this issue, I’m with the federal government.  I guess it depends on the issue.  Like the travel ban deals with airports, that’s obviously a federal issue so a local judge should not be able to give an injunction.  If, however, the federal policy is to build solar panels in a judge’s district, then he should be able to give a national injunction.  It’s only if it indisputably directly affects the community in one degree of separation.”

                “So they can’t claim they want cheap labor from immigrants so a travel ban stops them from getting some.”

                “Right, it needs to be a policy that specifically targets their district.  Obviously word it right so you don’t have loopholes like the ridiculous thing you just said.”


                Nouno turns on Fox News and sees Geraldo Rivera stating, “It’s weird to see a squabble of so many people of color.”

                Nouno cries out, “Oh God, the race card again.  When will people get sick of this?  Trump is racist for calling out Baltimore?  No, Baltimore is a shithole. It is rat infested. He’s not lying and it has nothing to do with the mayor being black, it has to do with the mayor criticizing the border situation when his city sucks.  Don’t throw stones in a glass house!”

                “I’m beginning to think you may have a point that Trump has made people dumber”

After they land, Nouno and Abby do go see President Trump give his speech praising the military, police and fireman.  He especially thanks the firemen and recaps how on 9/11 he was down here talking with many of them.  He states, “I’m not considering myself a first responder, but I was down here.”

                The next day, a journalist by the name of Aaron Rupar tweets out that Trump claimed he was a first responder.  He even had a link to the video in which President Trump clearly states that he didn’t consider himself one.  Despite that, Politico, MSNBC, Chris Solizza all claim Trump said that and they claim that he wasn’t even at ground zero after the attacks.  It doesn’t take long for people to respond with videos and pictures of him down there.  One particular one was an interview by an NBC newscaster who interviewed Trump and it aired on NBC, which is why it was odd that NBC was one of the networks claiming he wasn’t down there.”

                Nouno and Abby canvass the area and figure out a good place to stay and to dispose of the body.  They then get New York pizza and Abby says, “So how do you want to do this?”

                “Standard procedure I guess.”

                Abby smiles.  Abby is 5’6” with short dirty blond hair with a smooth face, toned legs and skinny waist and stomach that only enhance her large breasts and butt.  At 26-years-old, she is still young enough to turn heads and if she’s walking alone, she is almost guaranteed to be catcalled.  It drives Nouno crazy but it’s a reality you live with when you have an attractive wife.  Nouno is 6’0” 230 pounds with a bald head and big stomach.  At 35-years-old, he doesn’t have the energy he used to and his body doesn’t rejuvenate like it once did.  The ‘standard procedure’ didn’t make him comfortable, but it was very effective.  The standard procedure when dealing with rapists was to have Abby hang out where they knew the target was going to be.  When the target pursued Abby, Nouno struck while they were distracted by her beauty.  He was just always nervous that if he failed, then Abby was alone with a known rapist.  Abby wasn’t nervous because she knew that Nouno would die to make sure that never happened.  While he’s being killed, she has time to escape.  This wasn’t callousness; this was exactly what Nouno would want.  Otherwise, he would have died in vain.  Abby uses social media to find out where Temar likes to hang out in the Bronx.  They go there and Abby roams around aimlessly with a charming smile on her face.  She bumps Temar and says ‘sorry’ in a sweet voice.  The look of hate on Temar’s face told her all she needed to know.  She walked down an alley and Temar followed.  She noticed this and lured him to where Nouno was hiding.  As Temar walked by, Nouno emerged with his keys interlocked in his right fist and a three inch blade in his left.  He skipped forward and punched Temar in the face with his right hand putting his full weight behind it.  Temar was scrawny so went down quickly.  Nouno ran and kicked him in the midsection flipping him over.  He straddled Temar and punched at his face repeatedly as the keys and knife made tiny lacerations in Temar’s face and arms as he defensively put them up but his reaction time was slow due to the initial blow.  Nouno then grabbed a syringe from his belt and jammed it underneath Temar’s jaw unleashing a sedative knocking him out even though he was barely conscious to begin with.  Abby opined, “Get a little pissed?”


                “Well, feel better?”

                “Actually I do” Nouno nods as his bottom lip protruded past his front lip as if it surprised that he did. 

                They load Temar into the trunk of their car and drive to the Air Bnb that they have already covered in plastic.  When Temar wakes up he is tied down to the bed.  He struggles but quickly realizes it’s fruitless.  Abby starts in a sweet voice, “Hi, I bet you really wanted to rape me.”

                “Fuck you cunt”

                “Now now, don’t get mad at me.  You’re the one that was dumb enough to fall for my trap.”

                “That’s just because you slave owners only bred dumb blacks.  It’s not our fault we’re dumb, you people didn’t let the smart ones breed.”

                “Interesting since there are a lot of smart black people in America.  They all seem to have one thing in common.  They never believed in the talking point that black people were victims.  They always believed they could succeed with hard work just like everyone else in this country.”

                “Yea, look at Baltimore.  Trump called it rat infested.”

                “Well, that’s because it is.”

                “Yea but it’s white people’s fault?”

                Nouno jumped in, “There hasn’t been a Republican on the city council in 77 years.  You got to blame the new plantation owners.  In this case, black Democrats.”

                “What do you know?”

                “I know that slavery ended 140 years ago so raping women now for something that happened before your grandparents were born is pretty stupid.  Hell, probably your great-grandparents.”

                “Democrats want to give us reparations”

                “To keep you down and in prison.  Remember in 1861 at the time of the Civil War, every slave owner was a Democrat.  Democrats passed Jim Crow and segregation laws and a majority of people who voted against the Civil Rights act of 1964 were Democrats.  Almost every member of the KKK was a Democrat.  So, I wonder why you think it’s Republicans that are the problem.”

                “I didn’t say Democrats or Republicans, I said white people.  We don’t put you white people in groups, you’re just white.”

                “And you’re just an ignorant racist thug.”

                “Fuck you”

                “Do you really not feel at all bad for what you did to that girl?”

                “No, she deserved to be raped and beaten.  White people raped and beat black people during slavery so why can’t we get payback?”

                “You don’t know anyone that was a slave.  Two wrongs don’t make a right.  Nobody nowadays seriously talks about enslaving anyone in this country.  That girl doesn’t know any slave owners.  She has never owned a slave.  The fact that I have to explain this to you just shows how you bring black people down by enhancing the stereotype that you’re all too dumb to function.  Luckily, I know black people that are highly intelligent so I know that they’re not all like you.”

                “I’d like to see your cracker ass walk around Baltimore”

                “I’ve been to Baltimore a few times.  I have walked around there.  In fact, Trump should give a presser in Baltimore.  He can talk about three things.  One, City-wide school choice initiative programs so that way schools are incentivized to be good and if the school in your district sucks, you can just go to a better one in another district.  Then he should propose to cut all the regulations and red tape for new business.  Once businesses move in, then the people can get jobs, have a sense of purpose and crime will fall.  Lastly, he should talk about public safety initiatives.  There’s already FBI and Secret Service offices in Baltimore.  Have the DEA flood the zone with federal agents in Baltimore City to clean it up.  Make the county match it with local police officers so that way you have people in the community helping to clean it up.”

                “That shit doesn’t work.  Nobody in Baltimore City is voting for that cracker Trump.”

                “Oh, I believe that but at least it raises awareness.  I mean he has nothing to lose.  He’s already not going to get any votes there so maybe people outside will respect that at least he’s trying to help the inner cities unlike what the local Democrats do.  Most of those people have never even heard a Republican speak.”

                “You call any city predominantly black a shithole.”

                “No, the homicide rate in Baltimore is 56 people per 100,000.  When Democrats talk about the poor illegal immigrants coming from dangerous places like Guatemala, Guatemala has a homicide rate of 22/100K so you’re more than twice as likely to be killed in Baltimore than in Guatemala and all the Democrats talk about is the poor asylum seekers in Central America.  They don’t care about their own citizens.”

                 “You know what, you got a point, I say fuck the Democrats.”

                “Oh no, you won’t get a chance to because you’re going to die today.  Sorry, I thought that was obvious, I forgot how dumb you are.”

                Nouno took out the knife and raised it over his head.  Before he could strike, Abby jammed the syringe into his side.  It wasn’t fatal but it hurt.  She taunted, “Awww, you thought you were going to penetrate me, but instead I penetrated you.”

                Nouno then drove the knife into his sternum fatally killing him making sure that the last thing he heard was Abby taunting him.  They wrapped the body and loaded it back into the car and took him to the crematorium.  They broke in and cremated his body and disposed of the bones as they don’t burn.  They then left and went back to the Air BNB.  The next day, they were on a flight back to Arizona.  Nouno commented after rifling through his phone, “Hmm, George Papadopoulos is going back to Greece to retrieve the money that was given to entrap him.”

                “Finally someone’s interested huh?”

                “Yea, or, they’re trying to set him up again.”

                “I’m pretty sure they’re not going to try that again especially when it’s publicized why he’s getting the money.”

                “Nothing would surprise me anymore.”

                “I don’t really remember the specifics of this story.  All I know is that Papadopoulos was arrested at 2AM and they searched for the money and when they didn’t find him they made up a probable cause arrest.”

                “Yea, which federal agents almost never do because they don’t patrol the streets and work 9-5 so them happening on a crime at 2AM doesn’t seem plausible.”

                “But what happened before that?”

                “Papadopoulos was in Israel at the behest of a man named Charles Tawil.  Tawil approaches Papadopoulos and offers him 10,000 to write a paper about energy in the Mediterranean.”

                “That’s a lot of money for a paper”

                “Also the exact amount you have to be carrying that would require you to declare it if you deposit it in a bank or are flying overseas.”

                “Yea, I’ve flown internationally, I’ve filled out those custom cards before.”

                “Anyway, Tawil was edgy and fidgety.  Papadopoulos tried to turn down the money but Tawil was adamant.  Papadopoulos says he thought Tawil was going to kill him.  He begrudgingly takes the money and goes back to Greece where he leaves it with his lawyer thinking that the bills are marked.”

                “Why not just look for the marks himself?”

                “They don’t actually mark the bills.  They record the serial numbers so that if they appear in circulation, they know who’s using them and for what and where he is.”

                “Okay, so say they catch him, what were they going to do?  Publicize that a Trump employee is carrying $10,000?  How does that enhance the Russian collusion story?  It has nothing to do with Mifsud or Downer, the two people they claim approached Papadopoulos with dirt on Hillary.  Well Mifsud had the dirt and Downer said Papadopoulos told him the dirt Mifsud did.  I just don’t understand the strategy.”

                “Well, that’s actually a good question.  There’s many theories about it.  One is that the government tried to set this all up and Tawil was an unknowing participant.”

                “That’s why he was nervous, he’s not used to sting operations.”

                “Yea, there was a lot of that.  Downer got angry at him and forgot to mention e-mails like he was supposed to but that’s a different story.”

                “Alright that makes sense to me.”

                “It doesn’t to me.  Why would Tawil be so adamant he take the money?  It’s like he wanted to make sure he didn’t get in trouble with the American government by failing in his task.  I think he had to know.”

                “Israel likes Trump.  I just don’t think an Israeli would help the FBI and CIA take him down.”

                “Yea but Israel also likes to be nice to the United States and keep us as allies.  Pissing off the American intelligence community isn’t very good strategically for Israel.  I don’t buy that.  Some people also think that they were going to use it to blackmail Papadopoulos.  Tell him that they’ll prosecute him for the undeclared money unless he acts as an informant for them.”

                “Try to flip him and have another mole in the campaign?”


                “I don’t know about that.  Carrying $10,000 isn’t a serious crime.”

                “There’s also the possibility that Tawil is completely innocent and it was a completely legitimate business deal but Papadopoulos overreacted given all the other weird shit that was happening to him as people wanted to meet him and tell him shit.”

                “Well, we Greeks are known for overreacting so that is definitely possible.”

                “Especially since Tawil claims Papadopoulos approached him but Papadopoulos denies that.”

                “Alright so there are a lot of possibilities”

                “The last one is that they wanted to get Papadopoulos on a FARA violation.  Tawil is a foreign agent.  They claim he’s linked to the Israeli government.  Since Papadopoulos didn’t fill out a FARA, they can arrest him.”

                “Like they did to Mike Flynn”


                “Well there is precedence for that one.  I think that’s the most likely one because that’s better blackmail than the not declaring $10,000.  They already did it once and if we learned anything, these guys try the same shit over and over again.”

                “Yea, but it doesn’t explain the 10 grand.  That can’t be a coincidence that it’s the exact amount you have to declare.”

                “Well, I guess we’ll find out when they inspect the bills”

                “Yea, hopefully the serial numbers are recorded in some FBI database that we get to before they destroy it like they did with a bunch of the text messages.  I mean who gives 10,000 in cash for a completely legitimate operation?”

                “I see your point but every theory has some holes in it.  I wonder if we’ll ever know for sure.”

                “I’m losing hope especially since Comey isn’t being prosecuted.”

                “Well, maybe with this new DNI, you’ll get what you want.  Though a Republican is really against him.”

                “Yea, that’s Radcliff.  Burr is against him but Burr is also the only Republican that wanted impeachment.”

                “If he said that, why does he think Trump is going to listen to his warning about Radcliffe?”

                “He’s a moron and a puppet for the Democrats.  He’s also desperate.  Burr is on the Senate intelligence committee.  He has obstructed the investigation and has been leaking information.  Radcliffe specifically said he wants to go after the leakers in government.  That means he’s coming after Burr and his friends.  That’s why he desperately tries to advise the president he has openly rallied to impeach.  He’s a snake. Since he’s a Republican, he won’t be in the Democrat above the law protection status so I hope he gets arrested for leaking.”

                “Yea, in the meantime, we have one less rapist walking the Earth.”

                “Always a good thing!”

                They land in Arizona and go back to their home as if nothing happened.  Neither one of them ever gave Temar Bishop another thought and nobody even whispered about his being missing.  They all assumed he just skipped town violating his parole so he wouldn’t have to go back to jail. 

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