Thursday, August 1, 2019

theo the Trump Supporter Episode 21 Raising Awareness on Inner Cities

                Theo works in the White House and has found his job always entertaining as they are under constant attack.  The mainstream media and liberals in general try to destroy anyone that is close to the President in order to prove their narrative that the President is isolated because nobody will touch him.  The accusation is made every time someone resigns in the cabinet or if Trump fires someone.  This only makes the people who support him dig deeper because they realize there really is a battle going on in this country.  In battles, there’s battlefield morality.  If someone is attacking you and a man who constantly cheats on his wife comes to your aid to fight off the attacker, you don’t really care that he’s an adulterer.  During peaceful times hanging out, however, you may be more critical.  It’s because of the vial, disgusting attacks by the left that conservatives now excuse the President’s behavior that some would deem ‘unpresidential.’ 

                Theo has been given tickets to the Nationals game tonight against the Atlanta Braves.  He is taking an acquaintance of his that is a big baseball fan named Nick.  On the way to the game, Nick asks, “So what do you think of President Trump’s new hire of Radcliffe as DNI (Director of National Intelligence.”

                “I really like him.”

                “Democrats are pissed”

                “Which is why I like him even more.”

                Nick is not very political but he thinks that Theo enjoys being egged on.  Nick does it for that purpose and he’s amused at how passionate he gets about something that Nick believes to be inconsequential.  He asks, “Why do you like him?”

                “During the debacle that was the Mueller testimony, Radcliffe destroyed Mueller about how ‘exonerated’ is not a legal standard.  You’re either guilty of not guilty.  There’s no such thing as ‘not enough evidence to exonerate someone.’  In this country, you’re innocent until proven guilty.  It’s sad that Radcliffe had to remind us of that.”

                “Alright but Mueller kind of destroyed himself.  I don’t think that alone can make someone good for the job.  I think 6th graders know you’re innocent until proven guilty in this country.”

                “I agree but he also brought up crimes during Spygate.  Unlike other people he actually called them ‘crimes.’”

                “Like what?”

                “One was leaking the phone call from Mike Flynn to Ambassador Kislayek, which contained classified information. to the Washington Post.  It was also illegally unmasked.”

                “What do you mean ‘unmask’?

                “When an American is talking to a foreigner, you can listen in on the foreigner and know his name but the American’s identity is supposed to be ‘masked’ or kept secret.  Unmasking would be revealing his name, which they did.”

                “Criminal leaking, alright”

                “Then you have perjury because Glenn Simpson said under oath to Congress that he never met Bruce Ohr until after the election but Bruce Ohr testified under oath to congress that he met Simpson on August 22, 2016, which was way before the election.”

                “Glenn Simpson works at Fusion GPS right?  That firm that Hillary hired to dig up negative information on Trump.  He paid Steele to write the dossier in order to fulfill his contract with Hillary?”

                “For the most part yes.  I actually think Simpson wrote the dossier and then asked Steele to put his name on it to give it credibility so it could be fast tracked to the higher levels of the FBI.  Simpson may have used that as leverage to get this meeting with Ohr. “

                “Well, clearly one of them committed perjury but ‘perjury’ is very difficult to prove in court.”

                “I know but we impeached Clinton for it.”


                “Radcliffe also says it was criminal how Comey leaked confidential information to the media.”

                “Ah, Comey, one of the most hated men in this saga.”

                “Yea, unfortunately he’s a little too well connected to be taken down.  Wray is covering up for him.  Too many powerful people.  I’m doubting justice in this country.  I don’t think any Trump hater will be prosecuted but I hope I’m wrong.”

                “Avenatti was”

                “Yea but that was for trying to extort Nike.  It wasn’t for his work in attacking Trump and bringing a ridiculous rape case against Kavanaugh.”

                “It is a Trump hater being prosecuted.”

                “I want people to be prosecuted so that nobody ever does this to a president ever again.  There needs to be a deterrent.  What happened to Avanatti doesn’t send that message.”

                “No, that message is defiantly lost with Avenattti”

                Theo and Nick got to the game and sat in their seats taking it in.  They bought a hotdog and a beer and sat.  Nick was much more interested than Theo but he enjoyed being at the ballpark.  Since Theo had a lot of family in New York and had lived there for 17 years, he was a Mets fan because all his extended family was.  If it was a Mets vs. Nationals game, he would have been more intrigued.  This still worked because the Mets hate the Braves so he could easily root for the Nationals in that he was rooting against the Braves.  Washington D.C. is 90% liberal so this would be hostile territory if they found out that Theo was a Trump supporter.  The city of Baltimore was about a half hour drive up the belt as well.  This is only notable now because the mayor of Baltimore City, Elijah Cummings had come back from the border complaining about the conditions.  This prompted Trump to fire back that his city was rat infested so maybe he should take care of his district before criticizing others.  Predictably, the liberals cried racism and decided that the new word they were going to pretend always commutates racism is the word ‘infested.” 

                Liberals being the sheep they are, ate it up as if this has always been the case.  A couple was talking about this exact topic next to Theo.  Theo took out his phone and played a video of a black Republican by the name of Kim backing up Trump about the conditions of Baltimore.  He wasn’t sure if the people would hear it and thought shoving the phone in their faces was going to be a little obnoxious. Luckily they did.  They turned to him and the guy said, “Ummm, why don’t you just watch the game instead of watching videos on your phone?”

                “Because I like exposing people for retardation.  I mean you honestly think you’re not being hypocritical calling me out because you’re talking about Trump being racist at a baseball game.  You’re not really talking about the game either.”

                “That woman in the video you played is racist.”

                Theo and the man he was speaking to were both white.  Kim, the Baltimore resident backing up Trump in the video was black.  Theo gave him a condescending look and inquired, “What is it with you white liberals and calling black people racist?  Do you really have no cognitive dissonance?  Nothing that red flags?”

                “Ever hear of an Uncle Tom?”

                “Yes, did you know that Harriet Beecher Stowe never went to a plantation and had never even been to the south?”

                “What does that have to do with anything?”

                “You are correct to quote ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ because like the author of that book, you are ignorant and pretend to be knowledgeable about a topic you know shit about.  Democrats were the slave owners.  In 1861, when the Civil War started, not one Republican owned a slave.  Almost everyone in the KKK were Democrats, the Democrats voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Democrats passed Jim Crow laws and segregation.  So, now that the Democrats can’t legally have slaves, they create barrios and ghettoes in inner cities so that they can have their plantations again.  Democrats destroy inner cities.”

                “You’re full of shit dude.”

                “Have you been to Baltimore?”


                “Outside of the harbor or did you just go to the harbor, walk around, see the lighthouse and leave?”

                “Well, areas do get sketchy but you can’t blame the Democrats for that.  Republicans are in office too.”

                “The last time a Republican was on the city council in Baltimore was 1942.  That’s not mayor, that’s the entire city council.  77 years of Democrat leadership and look at Baltimore!  It is collapsing economically and educationally”

                “Trump doesn’t have to call it ‘rat infested’ that’s just hateful.”

                “Former mayor Kathryn Pew talked about how you can smell the dead animals and commented on all the rats.  There was a even a movie about Baltimore called ‘ratville’”

                “Well, I don’t know about all that.”

                “That’s my point.  You don’t know what you’re talking about.  Pew is on tape talking about ‘tearing the shit down.”

                “Well, at least she tried.  She had a program to reduce crime in Baltimore.”

                “Well, it didn’t work.  Do you know why it didn’t work?”

                “I suppose you’re going to tell me it’s because she was a Democrat”

                “She had to resign due to a scandal where she forced people to buy her book with tax payer money or just plain intimidation.”

                “Alright, so she was a piece of shit.”

                “Careful, she’s black, you don’t want to be considered racist.’

                The man had a shocked guilty expression on his face and uttered, “No, I didn’t mean that, I’m talking about the scandal.  I’m not racist, I have a lot of black friends.  It’s just…well…you know what I mean.”

                “Of course I do.  I just like seeing liberals squirm when you throw their racist taunts back at them.  Truth is nobody is above being criticized regardless of the color of their skin.  We understand this, you don’t.  You want to treat minorities as children who can’t take criticism so you need to shelter them and stick up for them.  It’s actually quite insulting if you think about it.  Minorities can stick up for themselves.”

                The guy gave a nervous laugh then recovered, “Let’s refrain from the insults and go back to the issue.  Like it’s okay for Kim and Pew to talk shit about Baltimore, they live there.  But to have someone not from Baltimore say it is a little insensitive and wrong don’t you think?”

                “No, I’m an objectivist.  Either something is wrong for everyone to say or nobody to say.  It doesn’t depend on the speaker.  People let their friends get away with things they wouldn’t let a stranger get away with but the friend has built up some brownie points to weigh it off, the stranger hasn’t.”

                “We’re going to have to disagree on that.”

                “Most people would; so I’ll give you that.  Subjectivism is an epidemic in America but Bernie Sanders called Baltimore a third world country where there are hundreds of buildings that are inhabitable and kids that can’t even go to school due to the structural conditions of them.”

                “You seem to have done a lot of research on this to back up Trump.  You can’t say it’s the Democrats fault though.  Baltimore has always been a troubled area.”

                “Not true.  Like I said, 1942 was the last time Republicans were on the city council.  Eight years after Republicans passed the reigns to Democrats, Baltimore was 7% above the national average in income.  That’s not bad, seems like the Democrats weren’t doing so bad at first.  Now, they are 22% below the national average so that’s a downward spiral and the only people calling the shots have been Democrats so who else are you going to blame?”

                “They don’t get the money to improve.”

                “They got 1.8 BIlllion dollars to revitalize their schools and education.  You know where that got them?  A third of high schools in Baltimore last year had zero students who were proficient in math.  Not one!”

                “Dude, you have to understand that not everyone is privileged like you or me.  They live in really shitty conditions.  When you’re worried where your next meal is going to come from, then algebra just doesn’t seem very important to you.  I mean yea, it can be their ticket out of there but you can’t expect everyone living in poverty and hunger to understand that.”

                “Once again, I didn’t say everyone should understand that.  I said nobody did in a third of the schools.  That’s a very big difference.   Your premise isn’t even right because they took the same kids from the same neighborhoods and put them in charter schools.  Those kids then competed with the Catholic schools in academic proficiency.  Don’t blame the people, it’s not right.”

                “Trump is a racist so when he says shit about Baltimore it comes off the wrong way.”

                “President Trump is about to execute a white supremacist while trying to get a black rapper out of jail and now he’s raising awareness about the horrible conditions in Baltimore in order to try to improve them.  He’s doing this knowing that most people in that city are shielded from any Republican so when they are told that Republicans are the devil, they believe it because they have no experience meeting a Republican to refute that.  Given all this, if the president is a racist, he really sucks at it.”

                Nick leaned over and states, “He got that from Gregg Gutfeld so don’t think it was an original.”

                “I don’t even know who that is” the man replied and continued, “Alright fine Baltimore sucks, you happy now?”

                Theo smiled, “Actually, yea I kind of am.  I know it’s asking too much for you to take back what you said about the President.”

                “Yea it would be asking a lot.”

                “Enjoy the game”

                “You too”

                The Braves would go on to beat the Nationals 5-4 in 10 innings.  Nick was upset and Theo was only mildly bothered by it.  They left the game and headed back to their homes.  Nick posed, “Must you fight with liberal everywhere you go?”


                Nick laughed, “I’ve kind of noticed that.  Anyway, look, it’s your profession and your passion so I get that.  When I hear you talk, you keep talking about how the FBI did this and the CIA did that.  Who do you think spearheaded this whole operation against Trump?”

                “It’s really against anyone that was against Obama.”

                “Fine, who was calling the shots, the CIA or the FBI?”

                “In general, the CIA kind of outranks the FBI.  Not officially but in practice that is kind of how it works out.  Since so much of this involved international cooperation, namely with Britain and Australia, I think the CIA had to be the ones spearheading this.”

                “Okay but your guilty culprits list has a lot of FBI on it, McCabe, Strzoak, Page, Comey; the only CIA guy is Brennan”

                “And Stefan Halper but in general you are right.  The CIA as a whole seems to be pretty clean in this.  It was just rogue agents like Brennan and Halper.  I mean, I’m not sure if you’re a ‘rogue agent’ when you are the head of the organization but it doesn’t seem to be spread among the entire upper echelon like it was in the department of justice and the FBI.”

                “What is the least disputed things that Brennan did?”

                “You mean what do I have the most evidence for?” Theo asked with an accusing grin

                “Yes, that” Nick returned with an innocent smile but still challenging

                “Brennan lied about briefing the gang of 8 in congress.  Both Nunes and Ryan deny that Brennan ever briefed them and they’re in the gang of eight.”

                “Why would he leave them out?”

                “Well, the Democrats like Harry Reid were suckers.  They’d believe anything that was anti-Trump.  Between August 11 and September 6, Harry Reid had all this information only found in the Steele dossier.  So, when Brennan says he didn’t see the dossier till December, he’s being a little misleading.”

                “Misleading?  Wow, I’ve never known you to sugar coat anything.  Normally you’d be like ‘he’s a fucking liar.’”

                “It’s technically not a lie.  Brennan knew Steele.  The head of MI6, who Steele used to work for, was Bob Hanigan who was a friend of Brennan’s.  Hanigan probably arranged a meeting between Steele and Brennan in which Steele told Brennan about stuff that was in the dossier.  So, yea technically Brennan might not have seen the dossier till December but around July, Steele told him what was in it so he had the same information as if he had seen the dossier.”

                “Ah, very clever of Brennan.  Technically not lying but definitely making people assume something else that isn’t true.”


                “But why not tell Nunes and Ryan?  I mean they weren’t the only Republicans in the gang of eight.”

                “Well, that’s the issue right?  When Brennan told McConnell, McConnell said that he thought Brennan was trying to undermine the Republican candidate. Brennan then threw a hissy fit talking about repugnant the accusation was and how he took great umbrage, his words not mine, that he would even suggest that.  I think since Brennan was so easily exposed by one Republican, he didn’t even try with Nunes or Ryan especially since Nunes is the biggest and most knowledgeable opponent of the collusion hoax.”

                “He doth protest the most.”

                “That’s right, although I don’t really believe that.  I think it’s acceptable to get mad if you’re falsely accused but if you overreact to it then it may be valid.  Like if you hook up with a girl and she accuses you of rape, you’d be pissed because you know you didn’t and it’s a horrible accusation whereas an accusation that you’re trying to undermine someone is a little less serious so shouldn’t engender the same visceral reaction.”

                “What happened to being objective?”

                “I am.  I think those rules apply to everyone.  Everyone should be pissed if falsely accused of rape and nobody should be that pissed off if falsely accused of undermining someone they dislike.  Objective rules and consistent.”

                “Fine” he conceded with a smile that made him think that he caught Theo.

                “Anyway, Harry Reid pressured the FBI to investigate what Brennan briefed him about Trump and Russia based on the Steele dossier in August 2016.  The investigation was open on July 30, 2016.”

                Nick got to his stop and declared, “Well, this is my stop.  Thanks for taking me to the game, it was good seeing you”

                “Always good to see you” Theo responded shaking his hand.  Nick got off the train and Theo continued on.  Someone sitting next to Theo asked, “You do know that Mueller didn’t indict Trump because of the OLC guideline that you can’t indict a sitting president right?”

                “No, Mueller told Barr three times that that wasn’t the reason and even in his opening statement in the afternoon session of the testimony he corrected the morning testimony when he said that and reiterated that that wasn’t the reason.”

                “Oh, yea, I only watched the morning.  It was really boring so I didn’t even bother watching when they got back from lunch.”

                “I actually agree with you.  It was pathetic.”

                “Most people think that”

                “This is true.”

                “Still though, since Mueller keeps changing his story, it could have something to do with it?”

                “No, this is as old as the French Revolution.  They had the same rule that you couldn’t execute a king or queen so they just stripped Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette of their monarchy and then killed them.”

                “Nobody is saying to give Trump the death penalty.”

                “You missed the analogy.  If you think you have an indictable crime, you lay it out.  Based on the evidence you came up with that can be used to indict, congress can use that to impeach the president and then indict him if the Senate decides to remove him from office.  Mueller’s mandate specifically asked him to make a prosecutorial position so why would they make that his mandate and his reasoning for investigating if it was illegal?”

                The man seemed to contemplate this for a second and then commented, “That’s actually a good question.  But why bring it up at all?”

                “It gave Mueller a reason to release the report knowing that he omitted exculpatory information.  Since it’s not a court of law, Trump can’t defend himself against the allegations because he’s not a lawyer.  Not hearing the other side of the story, makes the story more compelling and seem more damning than it is.  They need to create doubt in the court of public opinion because they know in a court of law where the defense can rebut, they have no chance in hell and would be laughed out of court and embarrassed.”

                “I guess Trump doesn’t really have time to comment on 448 pages of stuff”

                “Yes and fake news doesn’t print the Republican rebuttals to everything so the court of public opinion only gets one side of the story.”        

                “I don’t buy this Democrat bias in the media.”

                “That’s fine, you have a right to be oblivious and stupid.”

                The man chuckled.  This actually ended the conversation as there was quiet until Theo got to his stop in Rockville, Maryland.  He went home and rested.  As he went through the conversations of the day, he realized that whereas before he only got into name calling when someone called him a name, he was actually initiating it now.  It’s like he was anticipating the argument going south so much that he dropped to the gutter first.  He told himself that he should try to work on this but in the back of his mind, he knew he probably wouldn’t succeed.  



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