It is a somber time in the White House
today as last weekend there were two mass murders; one in El Paso, Texas and
one in Dayton, Ohio. Although White
House employee Theo grew up in Cleveland, which is about three hours from Dayton,
he is more shocked by that one since it’s in his home state. He logs on to local Ohio news and sees
Democrat representative Tim Ryan blaming President Trump for the mass
shootings. Theo rolls his eyes. He thinks that the real problem in America is
that people don’t take responsibility for their actions. This was actually a problem he always felt
even when he was a child. People blamed
Columbine and other acts of violence on Southpark, professional wrestling or
action movies. It never made sense to him
and with today’s snowflake climate, it was even worse. To Theo, there were only two people to blame
and that was the two shooters. The news
cycle also used the common culprit of the NRA.
Usually Theo went to bars to decompress from high stress at work but
today was even worse than most. On one
hand, he felt for the victims in El Paso and Dayton but he also still had to
deal with the incessant attacks by the left.
He goes to the bar and, predictably, people are talking about the
shooting. He hears a girl say, “Well his
manifesto was anti-immigrant and fearing that Texas would go blue and
Republicans would never win an election again.
That’s straight out of Trump’s speech or Tucker Carlson.”
Theo turns to her and says,
“Show me a quote from either one of them that says that? Trump talks more about MS13 and drug dealers
and human traffickers. You show me one
quote where it’s Hispanics in general.
It also blamed Republicans and Democrats”
“Well, I don’t have one with
“Right, you just heard it on the
news and didn’t bother to check it when the information is literally in the
palm of your hand.”
“It’s just something he would
“You can’t say that. You can only go on what people say. To be honest, it sounds exactly like what
you’ll find in Ann Coulter’s Adios
“Okay, so she’s a conservative”
“So, you only focus on El
Paso. The Dayton guy supported Democrat
candidates and was a liberal. I realized
you didn’t say anything about his ideology”
“Well, I didn’t know that.”
“Which is how fake news
work. They omit information and ignore
anything that doesn’t fit their leftist agenda.”
“Alright so it’s radicals on
both sides.”
“No, this isn’t an ideology’s
fault. This is the fault of two pieces
of shit that are stains on human kind.
I’m glad the Dayton dude was killed and I hope the El Paso guy gets the
death penalty to. Can we just grieve and
call it for what it is; a tragedy rather than try to get a couple more votes or
win a caucus?”
“We need to find a way for it
never to happen again.”
“The left does this to the
President all the time. There were mass
shootings before Trump and there will be after Trump. It’s just the way it is and until we have
people take responsibility for their actions, people will keep doing it.”
“So, you think personal
responsibility is to blame?”
“No, I just blame them. You can come up with any reasoning. Blaming guns is stupid because we’ve had guns
since our inception. You need to think
what’s different now that wasn’t true before.
Also, most gun related violence is in places that have the strictest gun
laws so gun control doesn’t work. So, we
need to do something that society hates.”
“What would that be?” she asked
“Generalize and stereotype. Most killers are single men that are
ostracized from society. This is more of
an epidemic now because people aren’t parts of clubs anymore. There’s not as many bowling leagues, church
groups, or just people hanging out.
Social media isn’t the same thing as social interactions. When people are part of a community, they’re
less likely to do something like this.”
“So you’re a bible thumper?” she
commented condescendingly
“No, I’m not religious, I just
named many clubs. You focused on only one of the ones I mentioned. We can go for some data. 70% of mass murderers had psychotic warning
signs and 93% of attacks had warnings before they did it. Hell, there was a copycat shooter in Florida
that bragged about how he was intrigued by the shooters, so the cops arrested
him. Nowadays, if you prosecute someone,
especially a liberal for violent speech against the President or others, you
are vilified for stereotyping and generalizing.
The point is, there’s a reason for them.
If there are warning signs, people need to not be afraid to report them.”
“That I can agree with but politicians
have to do something to stop this. The
status quo isn’t working.”
“The nine most frightening words
in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to
help.’ Government is never the answer. I think people need to carry more guns. The Dayton guy was taken down in a little
over a minute. Well it wasn’t quick
enough. Everyone needs guns as a
deterrent for these people that are lower than whale shit to try this
“So you’re not in favor of
“Not if it infringes on Civil
Liberty. Socialism and all the
atrocities by governments have happened under the guise, ‘this is for your
“We can’t trust people with
guns. They should all be taken
away. Well, at least the military
assault style ones.”
“Australia tried the same thing
in 1993”
“Did it work?”
“Depends on your definition of
“Did the gun violence go down?”
“So what else can you mean by
“You’re assuming that gun
ownership went down”
“Well, yea if they confiscated
“That’s wrong. People were scared so they bought them on the
black market and there were more guns now than in 1993 during the mass
“Oh….well….that doesn’t really
make sense. At least it went down though
so that’s good. But wait, then you’re
saying black market guns are better than legal guns. I don’t know how I feel about that.”
“I wouldn’t go there
either. But if you know the facts, it
makes complete sense. It’s very
consistent with the data.”
“I suppose you have more numbers
for me?” She declared with obvious worry in her voice of the answer.
“I only got two” Theo stated
with a smile, “From 1993 – 2013, the number of firearms went up by 56% but gun
homicides rate dropped by 49%. Looking at
it another way for the same period, guns per person went from 0.94 to 1.45 per
100,000 people. The homicides on the
same ratio went from 7 to 3.6.”
“So, they’re inversely
“How come nobody talks about
“Because it doesn’t fit the
narrative for the mainstream media to be the propaganda arm of the Democratic
“That’s a bit of a jump.”
“Do you have a better
“People don’t like numbers.”
“That doesn’t sound too
The conversation ended and Theo
parted with the girl to go home. He gets
on the train and sits down for his long commute home. Someone on the train says, “Excuse me sir”
Theo looked up thinking that someone is asking for directions. He makes eye contact as an invitation to
speak. The man continues, “I’ve heard
you defend the President and give the conservative view on issues on this train
a lot. You don’t get much of that around
here. Do you mind if I ask you some
“Not at all. I’m of the Socratic theory, the way people
learn is through debate and dialogue. I
welcome it.”
“Well, I’ve heard you talk a lot
about how the collusion with Russia thing with Trump is a hoax that the FBI and
CIA are covering up”
“What do you think is the most
important thing that needs to be declassified?”
Theo snapped his head back
shocked at the question. He exclaimed,
“Wow, that’s a really tough question.
The Kavalec memo is definitely on the list since it puts a nail in the
coffin of the Steele dossier, which is what the whole case was based on. There has been a lot of nails in that coffin
though. I mean the Mueller report kind
of did that. I guess since they claim
the whole thing started with Papadopoulos, it might be the FBI informant
“I’m not familiar with those.”
“Before he retired, South
Carolina representative Trey Gowdy mentioned that there was a transcript and
recording between FBI informant Stefan Halper and George Papadopoulos. In it, apparently Halper mentions the e-mails
and dirt on Hillary and Papadopoulos responds that what he’s talking about is
treason and he wants nothing to do with it.
Gowdy says that’s just one transcript but there are more. That would prove that the whole thing was
started on false pretenses no matter if you say it was Papadopoulos with Mifsud
or the dossier. If you ask me tomorrow,
though, I may have another answer. It
really is a tough question.”
The man grinned, “Didn’t mean to
put you on the spot like that. How about
something more recent and more specific?”
“What do you think of the trade
war with China? I mean the economy is
“Yea, probably a buying
opportunity since these drops have happened a couple times the last three years
and we’ve rebounded every time; so I wouldn’t be too worried. To answer your question though; trade wars
hurt in the short run but they can be good in the long run. It’s basically a scorched Earth
campaign. It will hurt us but it hurts
China more. In this game of chicken, if
Trump isn’t bluffing, which is a big if, I think we can win.”
“How does it hurt China?”
“Well, America consumes 51% of
the world’s goods. Losing American
buyers is a problem. China knows this,
that’s why they devalued their currency to counteract the tariffs.”
“So that’s a good strategy no?”
“No, you basically give everyone
in China a pay cut. They have to sell
more of their product for the same price.
When they try to buy things from other countries, it costs them
more. I know it’s socialist so the
people are oppressed so they don’t rise up but even some of the oligarchs
aren’t happy about this. I would say to
buy Bitcoin because Chinese people are going to look for alternative currency
and that’s why Bitcoin was set up.
America is counting on them wanting dollars. That can and probably will happen too but
bottom line is, people aren’t going to want Yuan anymore and that’s bad for
China. Nobody likes working harder for
less; even in China.”
“So Trump needs to just hold
“Given how many enemies he has
and the election coming up, I’m not sure if he’ll be able to but I hope he
“Alright thanks, sorry to bother
“Not a bother at all. Anytime” as they shook hands.
Theo got home and made himself
another drink. It really was a stressful
day. He couldn’t imagine what it would
be like if he knew one of the victims.
In Dayton, one of the victims was the gunmen’s sister. That was just crazy to him. He went to bed thinking that tomorrow was
probably going to get better because there isn’t much further to go down.
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