Saturday, April 6, 2019

Larry the Billionaire Episode 3 Another Disgraceful Attack on Trump with Media Assist

                Aphrodite is a 21-year-old girl living in Las Angeles, CA.  She is there for college though her life is pretty much set.  She grew up in New York City.  Although there are many nice places to live in New York, she grew up in a home that Hollywood would rent out for movies.  Her trust funds would set her up for not just her life but a couple generations. College is normally a time for fun and experimentation and Aphrodite was no exception.  She didn’t pay too much attention to her grades but maintained a good enough academic record so she could stay at school in California.  After all, she was here to get away from her family in a rebellion typical of young girls.  She had worked in her dad’s office growing up and knew that that’s not what she wanted to do.  At 5’5”, slender build, tanned skin and curly black hair, and wide mouth, she was attractive in the classical sense.   She went out on a Thursday night like most Thursdays and hung out with friends.  She had no idea what kind of attention she was attracting.


                Larry worked for a multi-million dollar company in New York City in the accounting department.  He liked his job and had been there long enough to accumulate a lot of vacation days, which served his passion for travelling.  On this particular occasion, he was going across the country.  Given that he had gone across the world, this is relatively a close trip to take the five hour flight to Burbank to visit his brother.  They are going to see a Clippers game and Larry is excited that he can check off Staples Center from his list of NBA stadiums he’d like to see.  His goal is to go to all of them by the time he checks out of this life.  His brother doesn’t drink, so Larry decides to go to a bar alone.  While there, he hears people bad mouthing Bob Mueller for not finding evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia.  Larry hates people from LA and arguing with them seems like fun.  He watches conservative videos and is always surprised how people like Jesse Waters and Will Witt will walk up to people and start talking politics without the vitriolic, animalistic, backlash that he always got in New York when he did the same.  He always believed the camera helped people stay calm but that was just a guess.  He jumped into the conversation and said, “Why is it so difficult to believe?  Mueller can’t fabricate evidence, he tried for two years, nothing stuck”

                “It was there”


                “He wanted to build a hotel.”

                “You mean an international real estate man wanted to build a building internationally?  Whoa!”

                “He said he had no business with Russia”

                “He didn’t, it fell through.”

                “Not during the campaign”

                “That’s according to Cohen, who has already been caught lying under oath several times”

                “Well what about obstruction?”

                “How did he obstruct?”

                “Firing Comey”

                “Did the investigation stop after Comey was fired?”

                “No, they set up a special counsel, that’s where Mueller came in.”

                “And Andy MeCabe said it had no effect on the case and Comey said that Trump asked him to investigate his satellite officials to make sure they were clean, and Comey and Rosenstein told Trump he wasn’t under investigation so how do you obstruct something you don’t know is going on?”

                “He knew they were lying”

                “Yea, see speculation doesn’t do well in court. You need a little thing called ‘evidence’”

                “Well he didn’t say no obstruction, he gave it to Barr”

                “Yea to protect himself from people like you.”

                “What do you mean?”

                “Now attorney general Barr wrote a memo before saying that there was no obstruction.  Mueller knows this so he knows what Barr will say.  By not making a decision, which was his job, he gave it to Barr to be the bad guy so you people can just say that since Trump appointed him, he’s backing Trump.  Look, you’re already mad at Mueller for not finding collusion, you would also be mad if he didn’t find obstruction.  This way he saves face from the slanderous, libelous, animalistic, chaos-loving leftist who refuse to believe that Trump isn’t the worse person in the world like you.”

“Wow, a lot of name-calling.  You know Mueller leaked that the Barr memo doesn’t adequately describe the report?”

                “The name calling is mixed in with facts.  Mueller gave you a bone.  Now you and the media can run with conflict of interest.  Not sure how you do that since Rosenstein also signed off on Barr’s conclusion but facts haven’t dissuaded the media before.  Those leaks were by unnamed sources.  I’m beginning to think ‘unnamed source’ means that the reporter is making it up.”

                “You have to admit, the country is in chaos”

                “Yes, but the reason is where we differ.  I think it’s because Democrats and the left are so pissed Trump won that they are trying to undermine him and destroy the country so that it looks bad on him.  The Russians call it ‘scorched Earth.’  Funny how the Democrat’s tactics are the same as communist Russia. “

                “Do you blame the left for Mar-A-Lago too?”

                “No, that’s just stupid staffers”

                “Or a secret service that is having trouble protecting the president.”

                “It’s not the Secret Service’s fault.  They’re not ticket checkers.  They run names against a “Do Not Admit” list.  If they’re not on that list and the people hosting a party say someone can come in, they come in.  They’re like glorified bouncers.  The Chinese National with malicious software was not on the Do Not Admit list.  A staffer told the secret service to let the national in because the last name matched a member of the club.  I’m not a Chinese name genius but “Zheng” I actually think is pretty common.  It’s the staff member’s fault for telling the secret service to let him in.  Good on security for catching the national before they could do any damage.”

                “By the way, I caught the not-so-subtle hint of implying that the left are communists”

                “Because they are.  They’re also the real colluders.  The Clintons colluded with Russia and Biden colluded with the Ukrainians”

                “This conversation is a little too serious for a bar, I’m going to go have some fun.  You may want to lighten up and chill.  So angry.”

                Larry smiled.  He didn’t think the conversation got heated at all but he got accused of this a lot. 

                Larry left the bar and went to Sunset Boulevard to go to another bar.  The drinks were more expensive but he didn’t mind.  A girl followed him to the bar and said, “You know, you kinda just threw out the Clinton’s colluded with the Russians.  Now I’m going to ask you to back that up just like you told the guys you were arguing to back up their point.”

                “You followed me here to say that?”

                The girl was 5’9” slender body with large breasts and a firm butt with long dark brown hair and olive skin.  Larry was 6’ husky build and bald so he liked the attention from an attractive girl.  He knew from experience he probably will mess this up.  He says, “Bill Clinton made a request through the Clinton foundation that he wanted to meet 15 Russians.  Two are of note.  The first is Arkady Dvorkovich”

                “Stop, one at a time.  Who is that?”

                “Dvorkovich was a top aide to Medvedev, who was the president before Putin.”

                “Okay so a while ago.”

                “Not that long ago.  It’s 2010.  Anyway Dvorkovich is one of the highest government officials to serve on Rosatom board of supervisors.”

                “2010 was nine years ago.”

                “It’s still collusion and holy shit time flies!  But think about the timeline.  June 2010, Clinton meets with Dvorkovich and in October 2010, Uranium One deal is approved by Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State”

                “Okay, so what?  What does Dvorkovic have anything to do with that?  What is Uranium One by the way?”

                “Rosatom, the company that he is one of the highest officials for, bought an Iranian company called Uranium One that they used to make Iran a nuclear power.”

                “So, Bill Clinton meets with a guy on the board of someone who a couple months later buys a company in Iran that can make nuclear weapons”

                “Yes, and Hillary Clinton approved and actually helped facilitate the deal.”

                “Alright, if all that’s true, you may have a point.  You said there’s a second one, who was it?”

                “Viktor Vekselberg”

                “Let me guess, he’s in charge of a scandal too?”

                “Have you heard of Skolkovo?”


                “Skolkovo was an idea that Vekselberg had to make an area of Russia, called Skolkovo, to set up a Silicon Valley equivalent of high tech companies in Russia.  There were like 25 companies and 22 or something were close with Hillary Clinton.  She advocated for this as Secretary of State.”

                “Okay, so what?  They want Amazon and Facebook in Russia.”

                “It was a lie.  They used it to steal intellectual property from America and they used the technology we gave them for military technology to build a more sophisticated military.  Hillary either fell for it or purposely armed Russia.”

                “How could Bill Clinton know it’s a problem?”

                “When people give you hundreds of thousands of dollars for a speech, you got to be suspicious.  Well not really, you know it’s a bribe!”

                “Who did that?”

                “A lot! The biggest one was Renaissance One gave $ 500,000 to Bill Clinton for speaking fee.  Then Renaissance One and Clinton started talking about Uranium One being a good investment.”

                “I don’t think it’s a big deal”

                “So meeting with Russians in Trump tower that leads nowhere and only lasts five minute is worthy of collusion but when Clinton meets with Russians that leads to them stealing military secrets from us and they were paid handsomely for the meeting, unlike Trump Jr.  That’s not suspicious?”

                “Okay, whatever so Renaissance One seemed to know about the acquisition so insider trading with Bill Clinton who probably told Renaissance One that Rosatom was about to make the deal.”

                Larry nodded, “Wow, that was pretty quick.”

                “Are you intimidated by a smart woman?”

                “No, actually the opposite.  Problem is, you followed me here presumably to argue in favor of Clinton but you seem not to rebut”

                “It’s conspiracy.  All you got is Bill Clinton was overpaid for speaking fees and met with business men who later made other business deals.  You didn’t really connect the dots.”

                “What do you want?  An e-mail or recording of Clinton telling Vekselberg and Dvorkovic to steal our Uranium and military technology?”

                “That would help.”

                “Ok, well I don’t have that so you can believe what you want.”

                “Well it’s getting late, I should go home.  I’m super-tired.”

                “Yea, I think it’s time to go too.” 

                Larry and the girl left together and while walking out Larry saw something that stopped him dead in his tracks. 


                Aphrodite is drunk and tired after dancing all night.  She got bottle service and had been there a while.  Her jewelry and clothes screamed her wealth but it had never gotten her in trouble.  She decides the street is too crowded to catch an Uber so goes down a side street.  While there, she feels a sharp object in her back.  She freezes and a voice in her ear says, “Give me your purse and take off all your jewelry.”

                In a frightened voice, Aphrodite says, “Alright, just please don’t hurt me.” As she hands over her purse and the guy grabs it waiting for her to remove her jewelry. 

                A male voice yells out, “Hey, is everything okay here?”


                Larry recognized Aphrodite as the daughter of the CEO of the company he works for.  He saw men following her that she hadn’t seem to notice so told the girl he was with to stay there, he’d be right back.  The girl followed him with her eyes and saw the cute girl and felt hurt.  She would just observe what happened with him and this girl that Larry seemed to know.  They went down a side street so she stood across the street so she could still see but was far enough away that nobody would notice her.  Larry walked up and when he saw Aphrodite hand over her purse, he knew his instincts were right.   She was being robbed.  He called out, “Is everything Okay here” hoping that would scare the robber away.   He approached them and the knifemen said, “Just get out of here, this is none of your business”

                “Just give the girl back her purse man”

                Suddenly, a knife was at his throat.  Larry didn’t realize someone was watching out.  Aphrodite recognized Larry and mouthed the words “sorry” to him.  Larry grabbed the man’s arm that was around his neck, leaned back, ducked under the man’s raised arm while pulling on the arms holding the knife sending it into the man’s own torso.  He grabbed the knife from the man’s hand and stabbed him two more times in the same place and then in the handspring so he wouldn’t be in the mood to fight.  With the guy screaming on the ground in pain and Larry holding a bloody knife he stared back at two incredulous people and said, “Let the girl go.”

                The man grabbed Aphrodite and pulled her in front of him with a knife to her throat and said, “Don’t come any closer, I’ll kill her.”

                Larry rolled his eyes.  Aphrodite’s face went from incredulous to stunned fear again.  Larry could see the man was shaking.  He said, “Why?  I told you I’d let you go.  Just go.”

                “What about my boy?”

                “Give me the girl, we’ll walk away and you can take care of him.”

                “Hospitals ask questions.  They’re expensive too.  He doesn’t have health insurance.”

                “I didn’t stab him in fatal areas, just painful ones.  He’ll live, just take him home and cover the wounds.  He’ll be out of commission a while but he’ll recuperate.”

                “I don’t know man, he looks pretty bad.  Universal health care hasn’t happened in California because the Republicans shot it down.”

                “I’m not even sure if there are Republicans in the California government.”

                “There are”

                “Not enough that you can blame things on them.  Anyway, you’re lucky that they don’t have free healthcare here.  It’s pretty much killing Europe.”

                “What do you mean?”
                “Well there’s only two ways to distribute scarce resources, which medical care is, price and rationing or time as I call it.”

                “You’re not speaking my language”

                “Think of a bar.  When it’s an open bar, you normally have to wait in line for drinks.  When drinks are really expensive, you get the drinks quicker because there’s a smaller line.  Healthcare works the same way.  You pay for it, you get care right away, you don’t have to wait.”

                “Ummm okay, so you’re saying America has better healthcare than Britain?”

                “Yes, take cancer, which is a disease that time is of the essence.  Breast Cancer survival after five years of treatment is 89% in the United States and 81% in England.”

                “And we eat like shit”

                “Yea, well English food isn’t so good.”

                “But we’re so fat.  Breast cancer is mostly women.  Women take care of themselves more so that doesn’t mean anything”

                “And yet, our mortality is less.  It’s even more poignant for prostate cancer.  After five years, 83% of British live but in the United States it’s 97% survival rate.  So basically you’re argument is completely shit.”

                “It’s because they waited too long”

                “250,000 people have been waiting for medical treatment for more than six months in England.  That’s only going to get worse because there are 39,000 nursing spots unfilled, which is 10% of all available spots.  9,000 posts for doctors are unfilled and they’re saying that 750 practices will close within five years”


                “There’s no money in being a doctor in England.  Like my dad does cataract surgery.  Half of all cataract surgeries are denied in Britain because the government calls it limited clinical value.”

                “What are cataracts?”

                “Cloud over the lens of the eye.  Basically, a black thing that’s covering your eye and leads to blindness if untreated.”

                Just then sirens could be heard and three cop cars pulled up with lights flashing.  Larry said, “You probably shoulda let the girl go.”

                The cars came from both directions on the street, they had nowhere to go.  A cop said over a speaker, “Drop the weapon, let the girl go.”

                The man did exactly that and Aphrodite ran toward Larry and wrapped her arms around him hugging tightly.  He hugged back.  Aphrodite said thank you and buried her head in his chest.  The girl from the bar walked up behind them and said, “Am I interrupting something?”

                “Aphrodite pulled away and said, “Sorry, I’m uh….”

                “I work for her dad” Larry said. 

                “Yea, he just helped me with some assholes”    

                “I know, I saw the whole thing.  I’m the one that called the cops”

                Larry said, “Thank you for that.”

                “You’re welcome.  So, now that we helped you out.  Can I go home with him now or do you have a problem with that” Even though she was talking to Aphrodite, she was looking accusingly at Larry.  Larry just shrugged his shoulders.

                Aphrodite said, “I couldn’t care less what you do with him.” With a smile

                One of the officers said, “I need to ask you some questions first.”

                “Yes sir” Larry replied

                Larry and Aphrodite answered all the police officer questions.  Aphrodite said she wanted to press charges so went down to the station to make a formal complaint.  Larry was let go and he and the girl from the bar went back to Larry’s hotel.  When they got in the girl slapped Larry across the face and shoved him on the bed and straddled him pinning his shoulders down.  She said with a smile, “You know, when you meet a girl at a bar, it doesn’t look good to leave to help another chic out”

                “You know, when you first meet a guy and you watch him stab another man repeatedly.  Maybe getting him alone to attack him isn’t a good idea.”

                The girl seemed to contemplate that but then realized the position she was in and the fact that Larry had yet to try defend himself and he already proved that he could if he wanted to.  Larry pulled her hands off him and wrapped his around hers and turned her around so he was on top.  He kissed her on the neck and worked her way to her lips.  She kissed back and wrapped her legs around him kicking off her sandals.  . 

                Larry removed his shirt and pulled off the girl’s.  He kissed her again and worked his mouth down her neck and chest kissing her breasts before getting down to her shorts.  He undid them and pulled them off.  The girl put her foot against his chest and extended.  Larry stood up in retreat.  The girl sat up and undid Larry’s pants.  Larry removed his shoes and stepped out of his pants.  He lied on the girl again but she stiff armed him.  She said, “Take off your socks.  If I’m going to be naked, you are too.”

                Larry noted she was still in her bra and panties but he removed his socks and his boxers so he was naked.  The girl sat up and stroked his penis.  It didn’t take long for him to become erect and a condom be placed over it.  He removed her bra and panties and lied back on her as she wrapped her four limbs around him.  A little while later they were lying next to each other panting.  The girl turned her back to Larry and grabbed his arm pulling it around her resting it on her stomach.  Larry turned towards her and put his other arm under her neck as an extension of the pillow.  He felt her body relax and she said, “I thought you Trump supporters sucked in bed.”

                “Trump is married to a supermodel”

                “You’re not a billionaire.”


                “Good Night”


                They both went to sleep and exchanged numbers in the morning.  Larry hung out with his brother the next day and flew back to New York.  He never saw the girl again. 

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