Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Theo the Trump Employee Episode 1 They're Hiding Some Land Mines

                Theo is in a border town in Arizona.  He had spent the last 17 years in New York but as Democrats kept winning elections, the city deteriorated more and more.  The nail in the coffin is when European socialist mayor Bill De Blasio was holding a town hall.  A woman asked what his thoughts were on reparations.  De Blasio’s answer was not to just give it to black people but to give it to women, Latinos, Native Americans and all the disenfranchised races.  Theo worked in construction and ever since Trump won the election, his job had gotten harder as laws to have a specific amount of minority or women owned businesses (MWBE) hired made doing work in New York almost impossible simply because of a dearth of MWBE’s in the industry.  Most were too small to handle large jobs that his company dealt with.  That wasn’t his assessment, the MWBE companies told them that but they had to keep asking them, by law, or else they wouldn’t be allowed to do a job.  Projects were put on hold and he realized that the New York government was the worst client of all as they tied up all General Contractors in red tape to make it impossible to do jobs.

                This isn’t the only time that De Blasio failed to realize his policies were to blame for deteriorating conditions in New York.  New York has elite schools that have entrance exams.  He recently said the tests were unfair because Hispanics and Blacks were not getting into the schools because they didn’t do as well as Asians and Whites.  The Asian-American community fought hardest against this and it was a huge scandal.  De Blasio refused to blame the schools that De Blasio’s socialist policies had destroyed.  His not allowing parents to choose which public school to send their kids to left no incentive for a school to do well so they simply neglected their students.  Since the schools had predominantly Black and Hispanic students, the Blacks and Hispanics were neglected so they couldn’t do well on the tests.  With rent constantly rising and local taxes by De Blasio and Schumer to do what they can to make sure that New Yorkers didn’t benefit from the Trump tax cuts, it was time to leave.

 Living in Arizona made him happy because Theo enjoyed the heat. At first he was worried about making new friends but it turned out not to be a problem as he found like minded people.  Like Theo, they were disenfranchised with people standing in the way of President Trump doing what was right.  The only difference is that in Arizona the border was the number one issue. An example of this is A 9th Circuit judge had just blocked President’s policy to force asylum seekers to stay in Mexico during their trial.  The judge claimed that Mexico was too dangerous for this to happen so said no to this.  The Asylum courts and detention facilities were overrun.  Basically the judge said that as long as someone says the word “Asylum” they get into the country.  In Arizona having dealt with gangs coming over and raping their women and killing their youths, this was not going to stand.  Most people think only of how illegals can undercut lower income people by working off the books under minimum wage thus driving up their unemployment.  Theo found himself in a meeting with a group of people to see what could be done to this huge threat to the citizens of their city.  Theo said, “Well, the judge is giving Trump till the end of the week to appeal, so maybe the President should close the border for the rest of the week.”

One member said, “He won’t do that.  He’s proven he doesn’t have the stomach for this fight.  He has the money in other sources.  He’s had companies offer to build the wall for 1.7 Billion that congress gave him and he hasn’t done shit.  We need to act and soon.”

                “I think we need to work on Mexico, this year long time table for Mexico to help caravans basically is telling immigrants they have a year to come.  It’s going to get worse.”

                “Yea, that and the FLorez Consent Decree incentivizes to bring kids to cross the border knowing they have to release them after 20 days and asylum cases take longer than that.”

                “It used to be that the kids get separated from the adult they came with.  Now, with this moronic left saying you can’t separate children, the adults get released with the kids into our cities.  Florez has got to go!”

                As the discussions continued, one man said, “We need to convince the country that there really is a crisis at the border.”

                Theo said, “The border crossings and detainees are the highest it’s ever been.  If America hasn’t realized there’s a crisis, nothing will.”

                “Oh something will”

                “What would that be?”

                “We bring back the minute men.”

                The meeting became quiet for a while and Theo broke the silence and said, “I know I’m from the north but isn’t that when citizens start gunning down illegal immigrants”

                “They are invading our country but yes, we treat them as the invaders that they are and we defend our home.”

                Theo looked around and said, “I actually think the 9th district judge and the state department has given us no other choice.”

                The people in the room nodded.  This meeting would make national news as the beginning of the most intensive riot in American history.  Border jumpers into Arizona plummeted quickly.  The left had protests but the killings continued and President Trump did not give into pressure to condemn them.  Instead, he blamed the 9th district judge for creating the problem.  He apologized to the Minute Men that they were given no choice but to act themselves and told Congress and the State Department to save lives by building the wall.  President Trump kept repeating on twitter and in press conferences, “If we build the wall, the crimes will fall.”  Only this time, he included the Minute Men as part of the crimes.  Oddly the left cared about the killing of illegal invaders into our country but didn’t care when the same illegals were raping and killing Americans.  This is what it took to have bipartisan support.  The group praised Theo because he had a source in DC that helped pass the information and lobby the United States Government.  Her name was Annette. 


Annette was a Greek-American like Theo that he grew up with.  He had a small crush on her but she never liked him back.  She had gone to Washington DC for college and never left and now held a position in the FBI.  Although she was left of center, it was getting harder to defend the left’s insistence on open borders and identity politics.  She stood at 5’6” with sharp features and a sporty build with large bust and curves.  Her involvement with Theo had a long history.   To accurately tell the story, we have to bring you to back to August 2016.  Annette was working in the FBI under Andy MeCabe.  Since she’s interested in law, she worked closely with lead counsel Lisa Page.  Page’s phone is on the table and Annette sees a text pop up from the lead investigator in the less-than-a-week old Crossfire Hurricane which is investigating collusion between Presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russia.  The text says. “The White House is running this”  and talking about a meeting with high ranking members of the DOJ at the white house.  Annette says, “Does that mean the President is involved’?”

Lisa Page has grown a liking to Annette and has used her to bounce ideas off of because she’s smart.  She says, “Yea, we have to stop Trump from being President”

                “He doesn’t really have a chance to win though.  He’s losing in all the polls”

                “Yea, but President Obama wants to step on the throat.  He just said on national TV that Trump would never be President”

                “Not really, he was responding to Trump saying Obama is the worst president by saying ‘At least I would have been President.”

                “And what exactly is the difference between that statement and what I said?”

                Annette shook he head, “Alright I see you point.” 


It is now October-14, 2016 and the meeting that Page was talking about for three months is finally happening.   Page sends a text to FBI director MeCabe, “just called, White House wants DOJ to host so October 19, the meeting at the White House.”  Page has told Annette her excitement.  I talked to Strzok, we’re going to talk as one and come together to officially destroy Trump.  Annette smiles and says, “Congratulations”

                Page says, “Thanks”

  A couple weeks later, it is Halloween, and Annette is fielding a phone call with Harry Reid.  He was talking about a dossier written by former MI6 agent Christopher Steele.  Annette researched Christopher Steele and found that he was instrumental in taking down Fifa’s corruption.  What bothered her was that she was getting pressure from Comey to not vet the information she was getting.  Comey let her listen into meetings because she was really smart and he appreciated her input and felt that she could learn.  Annette relished this opportunity but what she was hearing now was Harry Reid screaming like a child with a hissy fit that Comey should investigate Trump.  At this time, they had just closed the Hillary e-mail scandal.  Annette also thought that was odd because they closed it before even interviewing Hillary and Annette saw the tens of thousands of e-mails.  She got to read some but knew that even with all the people working, there was no way all the e-mails or even a decent amount were analyzed or reviewed.  She smelled a cover up and started feeling the dirty nature of politics.  Now Reid seemed to be taking it personally.

Annette was looking at Mother Jones to see what small outlets were saying.  She was reading an article by David Corn talking about the Reid phone call she had heard.  She wondered how he knew.  As she read the piece, it said that it indirectly mentioned Carter Page.  A FISA had been opened about him a couple months before that.  Annette went to a close aide to Comey and said, “This article seems to know a lot about Steele.”

“Yea, apparently it’s not a secret and someone is leaking.”

“Carter Page is only mentioned in the dossier.  So was the FISA based on the dossier?”


“But it was never verified.  It never went to Canada, England, Australia or New Zealand pursuant to the Woods procedure.”

“Well, we didn’t have time to do all that given that the election is in a week.”

                “That’s not how it works.  And we’ve known about the dossier for months at this point.  We haven’t even tried.  It seems like that we just believe anything this Steele guy says just because he did good on FIFA.  Did anyone ever think that sometimes people tell the truth to establish trust just so they can stab you in the back later?”

                “Do you have any evidence of that?”

                “Yes, guys like David Corn that all seem to have information in the Dossier.  Steele is the most likely person that’s leaking this information to them.”

                “So, you’re saying they’re using David Corn as a useful idiot to promote phony information?”


                “Yea, I think you watch too much Homeland little girl.”

                Annette hated this comment but then she realized that she had moved through the ranks quickly because people underestimated her.  She was undeterred, “Read the end of the piece that seems to be all about praising Steele and accrediting him like he’s an expert witness in a big court case.”

                “Let it go.  I understand you want to impress the AG but this will just embarrass you.”

                With that, Annette left shaking her head.  Later, the FBI would fire Christopher Steele as a source for leaking to the media.  When that happened, Annette walked into the aide’s office and said, “I seem to remember someone calling this months ago.”

                The aide smiled, “You’re right, I should’ve brought this to the AG earlier and maybe we could have controlled the damage”

                “There was no way we were going to stop this in October.  This had to be stopped in July.”

                “Good, you still have a semblance of humility.”

                Annette left not getting the satisfaction she was looking for in the ‘I told you so’ moment.  She’s now reviewing the FISA against Carter Page.  It is January 2017 and the FBI is bringing in George Papadopoulos for an interview.  Annette sees the name and immediately recognizes that it’s Greek.  While Papadopoulos is waiting, Annette approaches him and greets him in Greek.  George returns it amicably and they begin talking in Greek.  Annette asks, “If you can’t tell me you don’t have to but what are you here for?”

                “A meeting I had with a Maltese professor.”

                “What about Downer?”

                “You seem to be more informed than you lead on.”

                “I didn’t say I didn’t know anything.”

                “It wasn’t a big deal, I just said that the Russians had information that they may use against Hillary but you can get that on any news outlet.”

                “Were you drunk?”

                “Nah, I just had one Gin and Tonic.  He was mad that Trump supported Brexit so I was trying to avoid talking to him.”

                “You know that Downer backs your story right?”

                “I don’t care if he does or doesn’t, I know what happened but if he’s being truthful then that’s good.”

                Annette switched to English, “Did you ever hear the term, ‘dirt on Hillary.’”

                George kept the Greek “Yea, from Mifsud”

                Annette went back to Greek, “That was before July”

                “Yes, that was in April. Why?”

                “I’m just trying to put some things together.  This is the first time you’ve met with the FBI?”


                “I’m just going to ask.  How did the New York Times report that the FISA against Carter Page mentioned dirt on Hillary if you haven’t talked to the FBI?”

                George said, “The dossier is what started Crossfire Hurricane.”

                “No, some people said it was you with Downer.”

                “Does that make any sense?”

                “No, that’s what I’m confused about”

                “I think you misheard.”

                A month later, Annette saw Joseph Mifsud, the Maltese professor, come in for an interview.  He was in the United States to give a speech.  This is the last time Mifsud would ever be heard of.  Rumors speculate that the Italian government is hiding him but Annette doesn’t really believe that.  She hears agents talking and joins the conversation.  One girl says, “You know who that is?”

                “Yea Joseph Mifsud, he’s the Russian agent that Papadopoulos allegedly met with to get dirt on Hillary.”

                “Yea, I think we finally got him”

                Annette pulled out her phone and pulled up the NY Times piece from October 2016.  It mentions the FISA and how it mentions dirt on Hillary.  The girl says, “So what?”

                “How did the FBI know about that phrase?”

                “What do you mean?”

                “They didn’t interview Papadopoulos until last month.  The FISA was opened five months ago.  How did the FISA court know about a phrase given from Mifsud to Papadopoulos when Papadopoulos never talked to the FBI?”

                “Maybe Papadopoulos called the FBI before the meeting and we just didn’t hear about it.”

                “No, I asked him.”

                “You what?”

                “He’s Greek.  Greeks love meeting other Greeks.”

                “Well maybe they recorded it”

                “If they had the recording they had to be monitoring Mifsud or Papadopoulos in April before an investigation was open.  That either means there’s another investigation of Papadopoulos that has nothing to do with Downer since it was months before Downer or they were investigating Mifsud, in which case, they could have nipped this in the bud.”

                “Maybe Papadopoulos is a confidential informant”

                “They wouldn’t be investigating him and Mueller wouldn’t have charged him so publicly then.”

                “I don’t know what do you think?”

                “They had to get it from Mifsud.  That means the FBI is either working with a Russian agent, in which case guilty of exactly what Papadopoulos is being charged with or Mifsud is a western intelligence asset working with the FBI”

                “But that would mean….”

                “They’re framing Papadopoulos”

                “Maybe the FBI didn’t know he’s an asset”

                “They’re the FBI, how would they not know?”

                “Well if he’s a Russian asset, we got him now.”

                “How did he get into the country?  He was a keynote speaker it’s not like he was sneaking in here or anything?”

                “That actually makes sense.  Alight so he’s not a Russian asset….which means, Papadopoulos didn’t do anything wrong….I don’t know this whole thing is confusing.”

                “It’s not confusing.  George is being framed.”

                “’George’ now, you must like him.  Hey he’s your age, you might want to go on the prowl when all this is over.”

                Annette smiled and said, “He’s married.”

                “Yea, to that hot Italian”


                When Mifsud was allowed to leave America, Annette was sure that he was a western asset.  As the months progressed, Papadopoulos was never charged in the documents for meeting with a Russian intermediary.  He was only charged for messing up a date which they called lying to the FBI.  That was the nail in the coffin for Annette.  George was being framed. 

                It is now April 2017, and Annette is looking at the 2nd FISA renewal.  She is specifically looking for anything about the meetings with Mifsud and Papadopoulos.  Given that this is what is supposed to have started the whole thing, there is not much of an update.  She looks at a footnote and notices that they are applying for a freedom on information exemption because they need to protect a new confidential source.  She again brings this up with the girl that is also cleared to talk about this.  She said, “So, we established that the FISA is based on the Steele dossier.”

                “Yes, fine”

                “That means Steele is a confidential informant the entire time.”

                “Well they reference him a lot so yea.”

                “So why did they want an exemption for another one?  Who could that be?”

                The girl thinks about it for a second and says, “I really don’t know.”

                “Who have they met with since January?”

                “Papadopoulos and Mifsud”

                “So it has to be one of those.”

                “Well it can’t be Papadopoulos because he was on Trump’s campaign and Mueller charged him….Oh……I see what you’re saying”

                “The confidential informant is Joseph Mifsud.”


Not too long after this, Annette is fired from the FBI.  Just as she is, a blast from the past shows up and texts her out of the blue to go to a Wizards game.  His name is Theo.  When Annette knew him he was six feet tall with an afro and rail thin.  She was surprised to see a husky bald headed man but she could still recognize his face as the boy she once knew.  She didn’t really like basketball but needed to get her mind off of being fired.  That was the only reason she agreed to the game.  Theo was nice and very into politics.  It turned out that he shared some of Annette’s theories about their countrymen as Theo was Greek too.  Annette didn’t know if it was due to his being far right so naturally was prone to conspiracies of Trump’s people being set up but she came to the same conclusion so couldn’t criticize.  They enjoyed the game and Theo told her she was moving to Arizona.  They vowed to stay in touch but Annette was surprised that they actually did.  It didn’t take long for Annette to be hired by the White House.  She thought it odd as they made the offer to her.  When she mentioned it to Theo, he said, “Perhaps the President knew you were fired for speaking the truth.”

“How would he know that?”

                “Because he’s the President.”

                “Yea but although I had access to sensitive material, I wasn’t too high ranking that the President would know me.”

                “Maybe someone that is told him.”

                “Or maybe someone not in government told him.”

                “You mean someone may have written a letter knowing that it’s White House policy to always respond to letters?”

                “Yea, someone who told me they tested that theory and it was true.”

                “Wow, what a really nice guy.”

                Annette smiled.  “You’re right, it was probably someone at the FBI” she said coyly.

                “Obviously” Theo said sarcastically. 

                Although she never knew definitively if Theo’s letter is what led to her employment, she did view it as her owing him a favor.  A favor that he called in when he was instrumental in bringing the Minute Men back to Arizona.  Now Minute Men grou0ps were arising in Texas.  The impact it was having on illegal immigration was palpable.  Just like in the FBI, Annette rose through the ranks in the White House quickly and unlike the FBI, people listened to her when she rationalized things out and it was used to consult the President.  That was how President Trump got around the 9th circuit court ruling.  Now the ball was in congress court to either allow Americans to defend their country themselves or build the wall and change the laws like everyone wanted before Trump was president but nobody did much about. 

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