Monday, April 8, 2019

Larry the Billionaire Episode 5 The Big Shake Up

Base on the 4/8/19 podcast by Dan Bongino.  It can be found at and is of the same name

                Larry has just left New York and is now living near Dupont Circle in Washington D.C.  He was a little surprised he got the job.  Aside from a paid internship in 2005 for the Bloomberg mayoral campaign and working for the Leadership Institute, he didn’t have much experience in politics.  The person interviewing him pointed out that Trump’s only political job was President of the United States.  It seems that the mood in government now is the less experience, the less corruption therefore the better a candidate you are.  People keep telling Larry that it’s a chaotic time in Washington as Kirstjen Nielson resigns as Department of Homeland Security Secretary.  Larry is talking with a Middle-Easterner named Luna.  Luna says, “She only got fired because John Kelly was her ally and he just left.”

                “Trump believed she was soft on the border”

                “How can you say that? She had a lot of support among Republicans like you.”

                “Yea RINO’s not real conservatives.  Look, border entries are at an all time high.  She is head of the DHS so it falls on her.”

                “Well, congress is fighting Trump on the border so it may be the Democrats”

                “Yea, they realize that a lot of Trump supporters are single-issue.  Wall or bust but there hasn’t been a wall and there weren’t all time highs in illegal immigration.  We need to get rid of the Florez Consent Degree”

                “What’s that?”

                “In 1997 they passed a law that you can’t hold kids for more than 20 days.  That is longer than an asylum case lasts.  So, when someone files for asylum, you either separate them from their kids or release them”

                “Separating kids is a big problem nowadays”

                “I think it’s the parents fault.  They brought the kid, they illegally crossed with the kids, if they don’t have time for asylum they both should be kicked out.  Or, you could just take your kid to jail with you.”

                “You can’t be serious”

                “No, I’m not.  If kids were arrested for the sins of their parents, that would be a shitty law, but they both should be kicked out.  That should be the rule, if you have kids, you can’t file for asylum or you have to do it from a country that Is not America.  Being above the law just because you’re a parent is asinine.”

                “Maybe you should be the new head of DHS”

                “Nah, I’m too extreme.”

                “Well what else would you do?”

                “Practically, I’d eliminate the rule that if you’re from a country that doesn’t border the US, you can’t deport them to Mexico.  It’s Mexico’s fault they let them transfer through their country with buses and food in some cases.  So, it’s their problem, deport them to Mexico.  Let MS-13 fight with the cartels in a battle of despicable people.”

                “Oh God, you don’t think they’re animals too?”


                “Asylum seekers and illegal immigrants.  Trump called them animals”

                “No, he didn’t.  See this is the problem, nobody has a memory.  Tweets were taken down last year because this was so widely debunked.  Trump was talking to Fresno County mayor or something Margaret Ims.  She told Trump that there may be MS-13 members she doesn’t know about.  Trump responded, “They aren’t people, they’re animals” referring to MS-13 members.  Asylum seekers wasn’t even brought up.  Listen, gangs that pride themselves on rape and murder are animals.  I have no problem with that.”

                “Yea, me neither.  But what’s the difference between MS-13 and Neo-Nazi’s and White Supremacists?”

                “There isn’t an entire division of the FBI dedicated solely to neo-nazi’s and White Supremacists”

                “Yea but they’re all bad.”

                “I’d agree

                “Trump says all MS-13 are animals but he can’t say that about Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists?”

                “Yes he did.”

                “No, he said that some of them are good.”

                “You’re talking about Charlottesville?”


                “He was talking about the debate over whether or not to remove the confederate soldier statue.  Even in the same statement, he said specifically, ‘I’m not talking about the Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists because they should be condemned totally.’  Do you just leave that part out?  Not important?”

Luna punched some buttons on her phone and her shoulders dropped.  “You know what, welcome aboard, I got to go.”

                Larry smiled.  He always took this as a victory.  After work, he arrived home and called a friend of his who was working as a nurse in DC named Tatiana. 


                Tatiana had returned to America recently after working in her ancestral country of Ukraine.  She backed the Anti-Russian candidate against the Pro-Russian Viktor Yanukovych.  She ended up getting disenfranchised by the widespread corruption.  She even helped sell information to Paul Manafort who backed Yanukovych.  With Tatiana working for Petro Porchenko, information travelled back and forth and Tatiana made a lot of money.  She has struggled over two years dealing with Mueller’s probe when Tatiana knows full well that Ukrainians did exactly what Mueller claims the Russians did.  The difference is they colluded with Democrats and there was a lot of evidence.  The double standard was luring her back into politics.  This time it was in America.  She kept telling herself that she made a lot of money and to stick to what she enjoyed; nursing but the itch was there.  Part of it was she wanted to hurt the pro-Russian Yanukovych; blurring the lines in Ukraine bothered her because she was raised to hate Russians.  She finally got her opportunity when a blast from the past called her that he was in DC and working for the department of justice.  She felt this was the time.  His name was Larry.  They met up for dinner and after small talk, she said, “So, what lured you to politics?”

                “Well, going to NYU and dealing with the far-left pushed me far-right.  Then after the Mueller probe, and the corruption in the CIA and FBI, I just got sick of Hillary Clinton using the government as her own personal mob.  I’m not sure what I can do.  Maybe I just want to see if I was right.”

                “You are.  I mean, blaming Hillary for everything may be a stretch but Biden, Obama, Hillary, yea, you’re not wrong.”

                “Do you know something?”
                “Yea I worked for Petro Porchenko”

                “Really?  I’ve heard rumors about a lot of powerful Americans over there.”

                “Not sure what you’ve heard but it’s probably true.”

                “More than Manafort?”

                “Tip of the Iceberg.”

                “Stop teasing me, what you got?”

                “Joe Biden got the Prosecutor General fired for investigating a company his son Hunter works for named Burisma.”

                “So Trump can’t fire Comey but Biden can do that.”

                “Unlike Trump, the investigation stopped once Shokin, the Prosecutor General, was fired.  Biden threatened to withhold over a billion dollars in aid to Ukraine.  In fact, Biden was in Ukraine when Trump was inaugurated.  He was still trying to keep money flowing into his son’s bank account.”

                “Biden actually bragged about withholding the money.”

                “But, Biden isn’t Vice President anymore, so why not investigate now?”

                “I still have sources in Ukraine.  They’ve tried but you’re ‘Hillary mob’ AKA the Department of Justice is still very swampy”

                “How did they try?”

                “The new Prosecutor General Kulyk has been denied a visa to the United States because he wanted to come here and share information about Joe Biden’s corruption.”

                “Is it just Hunter and Joe Biden?”

                “Nope, Yanukovych had a lot of Democrats on his side.  Money was spirited unlawfully from Ukraine to United States Businesses as part of a money laundering operation.  I have to admit I was part of it and it made me rich but I don’t have power to make policy.  These people should never be in power.” Larry started laughing, “What’s so funny?” asked Tatiana.

                “When Mueller arrested Manafort for process crimes with Yanukovych, he made a precedent that they can go after these Democrats you talk about.”

                “You really believe that?”

                “No, there’s a double standard.  Democrats are above the law, that’s why I’m here.  I want to fight against that.  At least now I got some ammunition.  If it’s illegal for Manafort to deal with Yanukovych then it’s illegal for Biden and…wait you never told me which Democrats”

                “They are very powerful people.  I don’t want to be targeted.”

                “Well California Congressman Nunes just had eight criminal referrals for lying, misleading congress, obstruction and criminal leaking.  I think it’s like 24 people.  Maybe some of them are your Democrats.”

                “I hope so.  I might have to e-mail Nunes but I don’t know if I want to get involved.”

                “I’ll see if I can do it.  You tell me, I tell Nunes, if it checks out, it checks out.  That is the definition of ‘hearsay’ but hey if we can get independent sources backing it, we’re good.”

                “Do you have any idea what specifically they’re being accused of?”

                “Well, the conspiracy is probably all the people like Rosenstein that signed the Woods procedure saying they verified the dossier that way.  They never did.  It was bullshit.  Also, the FISA applicants withheld exculpatory evidence for Carter Page and George Papadopoulos, so that’s probably in there too.”

                “And the leakers?”

                “The two big ones are James Baker and Andy MeCabe.  Nunes talks about people above and below Strzok.  He’s pretty high up but haven’t heard much about Bill Priestap, he was in the highest echelon of the FBI and one of Strzok’s bosses.  Probably one of the Whistleblowers Nunes talks about.”

                “Interesting, what else?”

                “Quid pro Quo, you tell me about Ukraine.”

                “Maybe some other time.  It was nice seeing you.  I need to see what happens.  Just so you know, learn to keep your mouth shut in this town.”

                “Unless I’m being paid right.”

                Tatiana nodded, “Low blow but….well…..Ukraine isn’t America.”

                They went their separate ways.  The next day, Luna walked up to Larry and said, “What was the extreme?”

                “I’d implement the minute men.”

                “Yea, that’s definitely extreme.”

                Larry just smiled.  He went to his duties in the Department of Justice until he was called into an office of a close associate of Rod Rosenstein.  When the door was closed, the man said, “What do you intend to accomplish here?
                “I don’t know, learn as much as I can.”

                “Seem s like you’ve done more teaching than learning.”

                Larry gave him a sideways look.  “How do you know this?”

                “We have ways.  Ears are big in this town.  Just don’t rattle the cage on your first day.”

                “This is actually day 2”

                “Look, we just got over the Mueller probe we’re finally getting to some semblance of normalcy and moving on now that Mueller exonerated Trump”

                “Mueller did nothing of the sort.  Trump didn’t do anything.  Mueller knew that pretty much when he was appointed by your boy Rosenstein.  I mean Weissman, according to Ohr’s testimony, knew the dossier was biased.  He knew it was from Christopher Steele and he knew that Fusion GPS was paid by Hillary Clinton to write it.  Mueller had the texts between Strzok and Page admitting that there was no there there and admitting that they hated Trump.  Everyone on that counsel hated Trump.  So yea, Mueller gets no respect or credit from me.  It was a cover up job because a lot of those people signed the FISA and were part of the collusion against Trump.”

                “He fired Strzok and Page”

                “Because they got caught when their texts were exposed.”

                “Well, if it was so open that they knew it was false.  Why fire Strzok and Page but not Weissman if everything you said is true.”

                “Because it wasn’t public information that Ohr told Weissman it was biased.  That came out like a month ago.  Mueller knew because he has access to information the public doesn’t and he still put him on the counsel and he laundered the information from Steele.”

                “You’re not going to last long in this town.”

                “Yea, I think you’re right.  I also don’t respond well to threats.”

                “You can go.”


                Larry stormed out.  At the end of the week, he arrived home thinking he was robbed as things were thrown around and drawers were emptied.  He knew nothing was taken.  This was a message.  The only reason he was so outspoken was he knew he had nothing but now would be a bad idea to get information from Tatiana.  He cleaned up and had an uneventful weekend.  On Monday, he went to work as normal.  The same guy that had called him into his office said, “How was your weekend Larry?”

                “Uneventful” he said with a smile.

                “Do you want to sign your name to an injunction to get Trump to release his tax returns?  It helps if it comes from bipartisan people.”

                “Yea, especially when they’re as far-right as I am.”

                “Right, if the President has nothing to hide, why mind?”

                “Yea, Stalin said that too.  He also said, ‘show me the man, I’ll show you the crime.’  See, why should he release his tax returns?  The IRS has already proven they can’t keep anything classified.  I mean look at how they leaked all the financial information of the conservatives that argued against gay marriage when that was going on.  Baker and former members of this department with all their criminal leaks.  FBI confidential informant Christopher Steele fired for leaking; and he did it to like 20 media outlets.  Then nothing with Trump is kept confidential.  Look when he innocently unmasked who was on his campaign, you pieces of shit took a FISA warrant on all of them.  You threatened a general’s family to force him to plea.  You went after a 30-year-old and entrapped him in my countrymen George Papadopoulos.  Yea, if I was Trump, I’d tell you to fuck off too.  Given your history, what makes you think anyone should ever trust a Democrat to keep anything secret?  Hell even the ‘anonymous’ interviews about PED’s from MLB with Bosch was leaked slowly but surely.  Court ordered seal and yet we kept finding out about players that used PED’s.  Yea you people suck at keeping a secret!  If Trump releases his tax returns to any Democrat, it’ll be on the front page of the New York Times and Washington Post among others in hours, not even a day.”

                “Did you go home last weekend?”

                “I did, why do you ask?”

                Larry was smiling but the guy looked incredulous.  Rosenstein’s close confidante just walked away shaking his head.  Larry started using any resources he had to investigate any Democrats in the Department of Justice to see if he could find any information.  One day, he arrived home and a man was in his apartment. Larry stayed calm and said, “Can I help you?”

                “You think that just because you have no wife or kids we can’t get to you right?  Well, there are people you care about.  It would be a pity if something happened to them.” The man said with a smile.

                “Yes, it would.  Now get the fuck out of my house”

                “Will do, I apologize for the intrusion.”

                The man started walking toward the door and Larry stepped aside removing something from his waist.  The man passed Larry and had his hand on the door.  Larry walked behind him and with the spring-assisted blade he always carried on his waist, activated the spring snapping the three inch blade out.  He reached around the man and dug the serrated edge into the man’s ceratoid artery and pulled his arm across to the other ceratoid artery.  He said, “You forget, you’re in my house, I’m legally allowed to kill you.  Let your death be a message to whoever sent you that I’m not playing.  If you threaten anyone close to me, you die.”

                The man collapsed before Larry even finished his speech.  He dialed 911 and told the truth.  He walked in on someone who forced their way into his house and he had to use deadly force.  The case wasn’t open long and it had the desired effect.  It caught the attention of the swamp in the DOJ but it also caught the attention of those trying to do the right thing.  He was named to head a team looking into the Nunes recommendations and investigate the corruption of Mueller, the FBI and CIA in the FISA court.  The surprises at home stopped almost instantaneously.  Now, he had back up but he wasn’t really sure who.  It was only then that he reached out to Tatiana to ask more about Ukrainian collusion with the Democrats.  He was in a position now to offer her immunity for any role she had for her participation.  Hopefully, the Democrats would finally be brought to justice for their police-state tyranny. 

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