Monday, April 15, 2019

Theo the Trump Employee episode 4 Critical Unanswered Questoins

It is April 2016, the primary season is heating up and a large field of Republicans is vying to become the nominee to challenge Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders to become the next President of the United States.  Theo is an employee for the National Security Agency.  He likes the job because he gets to deal with spreadsheets, statistics and data analytics.  Some people find this banal and boring but Theo has always been fascinated by it.  On this particular day of work, Theo finds out that the NSA database, a large server that has the e-mails and all online activity of everyone in America, has been audited.  They want to make sure that nobody is abusing the awesome power of the system to illegally spy on people.  Theo thinks nothing of it.  He feels that this should be audited frequently because abuse of power is a bad thing and power has a tendency to corrupt. What he wasn’t prepared for was the results of said audit. 

Mike Rogers is the head of the NSA.  He has just received a report from people auditing his about queries for the database.  He is discouraged to find out that 85% of all NSA database use has been fraudulent.  It has especially been bad since November 2015.  Mike Rogers knows this is right around the time the Republican field of candidates was announced.  As he continues to read the damning report, he finds that it does get worse.  There have been several non-government employees and private contractors that have been using the database.  This is absolutely unacceptable.  He knows this happened under his watch and he’s a little embarrassed.  Luckily for the country, he doesn’t allow his embarrassment of pride get in the way of doing what needs to be done.  He shuts down all use of the NSA database since he can no longer guarantee that it’s being used responsibly.  Theo is alerted of this as he can give access to people and promises he will not let anyone use it and he doesn’t but he becomes very suspicious on who these private contractors were. 


                David Ignatius of the Washington Post can’t believe his luck.  He has just received a phone call from a high ranking official at the FBI on a tip.  He asks what the information is but instead he is shown a transcript of a conversation between National Security advisor Michael Flynn and the Russian ambassador.  Ignatius knows that what the FBI agent just did is a felony.  The transcript is classified information and leaking classified information is a federal felony even for the FBI.  That’s not his problem though that’s the FBI agent that told him’s problem. 

                Peter Strzok pulls up the Washington Post on his phone.  He’s reading an article from David Ignatius with damning information about Michael Flynn.  He smiles knowing that this is just the tip of the iceberg.  Soon an FBI source in England named Christopher Steele will start leaking a false dossier to the media and launder it through the department of justice.  This, however, is a proof of concept.  Strzok advises other FBI agents to use Ignatius’ piece to go to a judge and charge Michael Flynn with colluding with Russians even though it’s his job to talk to foreign ambassadors.  Mike Flynn is arrested based on the article.  The FBI agents that interview him write in the 302’s, which is a report of the interview, that they don’t believe Flynn is being deceptive. 

                Strzok is furious.  This wasn’t the plan.  The plan was to leak the transcript of the conversation.  Then use the media reports as an excuse to call Flynn in and then charge him with collusion with a Russian.  The lower level members of the FBI have just screwed that up by doing their jobs and realizing that Flynn isn’t being deceptive.  Luckily, there are higher ranking members of the FBI than the people who interviewed Flynn.  They know the strategy.  They look through Flynn’s recollection of the conversation and then at the transcript and pick up an inconsistency and charge Flynn with lying to the FBI.  Given that Flynn is a decorated general in the US army, he puts up a fight for this bogus charge but the FBI is the FBI, they have awesome power.  Once they threaten to go after his family, Flynn pleads guilty and they avoid the embarrassment of going to trial knowing they have a case that being called “superfluous” would be a huge compliment. 

                Now that they have a proof of concept, they plan to continue to repeat this strategy.  The strategy is toIllegally leak information to the press, have the press report it then use the information in the articles that they were the anonymous source for as evidence to charge people with crimes.  This is how a special counsel is set up to spy on President Trump.  They are determined to get him impeached and with a complicit media, they just may pull it off. 


                It’s been two years since the FBI hatched its plan.  Unfortunately for the FBI, Donald Trump is still President Trump.  The Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has said that impeachment isn’t practical right now and Bob Mueller was just forced to report what he’s known since he started the probe, there is no collusion.  Mueller was so shamed that he referred the obstruction charge to the newly appointed Attorney General Barr, who, with Rod Rosenstein, the man who appointed Mueller quickly deem no obstruction either.  The failed plan is the least of the FBI’s worry.  Usually when they and the Democrats resort to underhanded, vitriolic, disgusting tactics to smear a Republican, the Republican takes the high road and determines that all is well that ends well.  Attorney General Barr is not doing that.  He is now investigating why the Mueller probe was opened up.  He’s investigating the origins of the collusion hoax and the fraudulent spying warrants that they got.  Strzok has already been fired since his texts with his mistress were released and showed his bias and animus toward the President.  Their only hope is that the media will save them once again but having pushed a collusion hoax for two years and then having the report conclude no collusion, the American people are losing faith in the mainstream media.  They are trying to argue that nobody has seen the report and four pages can’t summarize 400 pages.  They want to release the Mueller report because they know that Mueller takes things out of context and uses vague wording to pretend it’s damaging when it’s really not.  It looks like that will happen, which would give them a lifeline but it’s weak at best.  Mark Meadows has just concisely and succinctly described exactly what they did.  Meadows says the FBI used circular referencing to trick the courts to get surveillance authorization and charge people for things that there is no evidence for. 

                The Democrats are scurrying to recover now that the obstruction and the collusion lies seem to be being exposed.  They know that President Trump’s biggest issue during the campaign was to build a wall.  That is why they have not lifted a finger to help Trump with a border crisis they helped create by using liberal donors like George Soros to pay migrants to come to America.  They refuse to change the law that they have told the migrants to exploit in order for them to cross the border knowing that there aren’t enough detention beds to hold them.  This means they will have to release them.  Once President Trump’s base sees this they will turn against them.  After all, they spent a year chanting “Build the Wall” and congress has blocked the wall tooth and nail.


                Theo is still working at the NSA.  Mike Rogers was fired by Obama shortly after the election but the database remains closed down.  With all this talk about illegal immigrants, Theo starts running data to see just how much crime illegal immigrants commit.  What he finds is shocking.  The government refuses to keep this information.  He nods his head knowing the strategy that is being used by the Democrats now.  Make a claim that they have blocked the information to so that they can’t be refuted.  A simple look at the inmates record and it can easily be seen that a high number of rapists, murderers and other serious crimes are committed by illegal immigrants.  He tells members of the media this to see if they’ll run with it.  The response he gets is, “Well, that’s just because of systemic racism of America.” Theo rolls his eyes.  He knows that data proves the opposite.  The biggest one is you are more likely to be struck by lightning as a black man then to be shot and killed by a police officer.  White people are shot and killed by police in higher numbers than blacks and that’s after controlling for the difference in their representation in the population.  He doesn’t even bother arguing this. He knows the Mainstream media is just a propaganda arm of the Democratic party. He just needed to test that theory.  Unfortunately, he was proved right.  He turns on the TV and sees President Trump say that since there is no room in the detention center, they are going to send all the illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities.”

                Theo laughs.  He knows the Democrats will never go for this.  They have no problem being hypocrites and sure enough, there is Corey Booker responding that this is another example of President Trump pitting Americans against each other at the expense of our safety.”

                Theo sends a message to Corey Booker knowing that the interviewer won’t ask what he’s about to.  He writes, “Why would the President’s policy make us less safe if illegal immigrants commit less crime that local Americans?”

                Booker never responded to the query.  Theo is blown away with the brilliance and ease that President Trump exposes the Democrats for the hypocrites that they are.  He watches them contradict themselves but he wonders that the illegals could just leave the cities and go elsewhere but then they won’t be welcome.  The only problem he sees is that when the Census comes out, California and New York where the sanctuary cities are will have more people so more electoral votes but Theo actually thinks this is better than turning Arizona and Texas red since voter fraud is rampant and the Democrats do everything they can to make the illegals that they just let in vote.  It’s almost better to keep them concentrated in California and New York.  The pros outweigh the bad.  Once illegal immigrants do what illegal immigrants do; rape, murder and commit high crimes, then the citizens of the sanctuary city will hold their representatives accountable since they’re the ones that told the illegal immigrants to come.  This may lead to the pro-open border candidates to get kicked out of office, which opens it up to real legislation to address the border crisis. 

                Theo arrives home and an official looking person is waiting for him.  Theo says, “Can I help you?”

                “You should be careful who you support in this fight.”

                “You mean stop pointing out how you keep moving the goal posts.  First it’s collusion then when that failed it’s obstruction then when that failed you’ll probably use word games like well it may not be ‘beyond a reasonable doubt”  but there’s still some negative information,.”

                “What’s wrong with that?”

                “Anything taken out of context can be negative and you love taking things out of context. Negative information doesn’t mean probably cause.  I’m sure if I investigated you and checked all your e-mails and financial records, I’d find something.  Maybe you won a couple hundred dollars at a craps table but didn’t report it to the IRS.  Maybe someone gave you money to buy a house that you didn’t report.  Maybe you got drunk and got a little handsy with a woman.”

                “Like I said, be careful”

                “Or else what? I have no wife, no kids, nothing to for you to threaten.  I’m alone.”

                “Nobody is alone.  We know that just like you know that everyone has negative information about them.”

                “Fuck you.”


                Theo continued to investigate Democrats and tried to help Devin Nunes and Mark Meadows who were spearheading the criminal recommendations to Bill Barr.  The Democrats were throwing a hissy fit that Nunes was talking directly with Barr.  It was his job to do so but the American people don’t know that so they pretend it’s criminal.  This is the exact same thing they did to Flynn.  It doesn’t take long before Theo parks his car and enters his house.  What he doesn’t know is that he’s not alone.  A rag is placed over his mouth and everything goes black quickly. 

                Theo wakes up bound to a chair.  He looks around and just sees concrete walls.  He’s been moved from his house.  The same man that warned him has an apologetic look on his face.  Theo says, “What could you possibly want from me?  I don’t have any information you want.  I can’t query the database because it’s shut down.  All the information I have access to you do as well.  So, why am I here?”

                “People notice when the NSA is talking to reporters and congressman.”

                “Yea, well that’s kind of my job”

                “No, your job is to answer questions they ask you not volunteer it.”

                “Nothing illegal about that.”

                “Yes, but we don’t like it and in this place, what we like is the only thing that matters.”

                “So why am I here?”

                “What have you been researching?”

                “Some things I’m curious about.”



                “You’ve been very vocal about it. You’ve been talking to Republican congressman Nunes.  He just happens to be the highest ranking Republican on the judiciary committee and has been investigating what he thinks is a collusion hoax.”

                “Yes, I have been talking to him.”

                “What information does he want to know?”

                “He knows everything.  I’m just helping him ask the right questions”

                “Like what?”

                “If you didn’t know, I wouldn’t be here.”

                Theo was punched in the face.  It hurt.  He contemplated his options.  He said, “Do you think I’m the only one to think to ask these questions?”

                Another punch across the face and now Theo was bleeding.  He thinks to himself that this tough guy act is pointless.  It’s not like he’s giving nuclear secrets to Iranians.  He says, “Alright fine, the about queries were shut down because private contractors were being fraudulently authorized to use the database.  I want to know which contractors.  More specifically, if Fusion GPS was one of them.”

                “Why’s that?”

                “Oh come on, we all know that Glenn Simpson recycled a 2007 article he wrote when he was with the Wall Street Journal to make a dossier.  He just changed Bob Dole’s name with Donald Trump’s.  He then had Christopher Steele launder it to the FBI and the media since he was a trusted source of the FBI.  It was also laundered through Bruce Ohr of the DOJ through his wife, who worked for Fusion GPS.  You then used the articles that were leaked by Steele as evidence to set up a council so you could continue to spy on Trump since Rogers shut down the NSA database and the FISA warrants weren’t giving you anything and it was getting suspicious as the dossier was thoroughly debunked. “

                “The investigation was opened because of Papadopoulos”

                “Right, a low level 30-year-old Trump campaign member.  You opened an investigation in July 2016 because you pretend he met with an Australian diplomat Alexander Downer in a drunken stuporand told him he had dirt on Hillary.”


                “Yea, except Downer has said he never said ‘dirt on Hillary’ he said information that may be damaging, which was public information.  Then you didn’t interview Papadopoulos for another seven months.  That doesn’t make sense.  But two weeks before you opened the investigation FBI agent Gaeda went to England to get information from British intelligence.  Then Bruce Ohr met with the FBI and later the same day, you opened the investigation.  Bruce Ohr knew about and had the dossier; he’s the one that gave it to you.  Yea, that sounds much more likely to be the source since the day you met with the man who gave it to you, you opened the investigation.   Steele is English, Gaeda went to England, Steele wrote the dossier, hmmm maybe just maybe that’s the information British intelligence gave Gaeda, especially because the head of the GCHQ, Britain’s NSA, is Bob Hanigan who is close with Steele.”

                “You don’t have to believe me if you don’t want to.”

                “I don’t, but let’s talk about Papadopoulos since you brought him up.  This leads to question number 2.  Before Downer, Papadopoulos was lured to England and Joseph Mifsud just happens to talk to him and tells him he had dirt on Hillary.  Now, the story goes that Mifsud is a Russian asset so you arrest Papadopoulos for colluding with the Russians because he forgot the date he met with him.  He was off by 10 days and you asked him over nine months after.  You charged him and arrested him for not remembering a date nine months ago.  But, when I look at Mifsud, he’s all over England with many important English government officials.  He’s invited to dinners at Cambridge with CIA spy Stefan Halper.  Who also asks Papadopoulos about dirt on Hillary.  Is that because Downer forgot to say the magic words that Mifsud told him?  How did Halper know MIfsud said that?  Do they have the recording of the conversation?  But those aren’t the real questions.  The real question is, who does Mifsud work for? What if he’s not a Russian?  What if he works with us the British or another Western intelligence organization?  I mean he’s a Mathese professor.  Malta is near Italy.  Italy is usually with us not Russia.  So, it’s very suspicious.  If Mifsud is a western intelligence asset then your Papadopoulos story is even more debunked than the dossier and nobody seems to be able to find one true thing about the Dossier so that’s saying something.”

                Theo noticed how the FBI agent was fidgeting uncomfortably.  He nodded his head and said, “Wow, you’re conspiracies know no end.”

                “Must strike a nerve if you chose to kidnap me.”

                “Any more questions?”

                “Ah yes, August 2, 2017, Rosenstein writes a scope memo to Mueller to expand it to not just collusion.  Why is it classified?  What does it say?” 

                “We all want to see Mueller’s report”

                “No, not the report, the scope memo.  What was he supposed to be looking at?  Was it obstruction?  That’s convenient since it’s a judgment call crime and collusion is more clearly defined.  Probably since his decision on that he referred to Rosenstein and Barr.  But normally with a federal investigation, the first paragraph you say what you’re investigating and why you’re investigating.  It’s normally the most transparent thing. Yet, it’s classified in this instance.  Why?”

                The FBI agent pulled out a gun and pointed it at Theo.  Theo calmly said, “Do you really think nobody else has asked these questions?”

                The FBI agent put the gun away and said, “Why can’t you people just realize that Mueller had a very thorough investigation?  He exonerated Trump.  What more do you want?  Why can’t you just let it go?”

                “Well, because of how pissed you guys get when we don’t let it go.  You don’t get credit for not charging someone for a crime they didn’t commit and like Nunes said, if the Mueller Probe was so thorough and done copacetic, then how did Mueller not know from the start that there was no collusion?  He had his lead investigator say there’s no there there.  He had Ohr admit that the dossier was biased.  Even if you pretend it was started because of Papadopoulos, you have Downer admit that everything they discussed was public information.  How did it last over 500 days?”

                “You ask too many questions”


                A few days before this Theo was having dinner with a friend of his that worked at the White House.  Theo was worried after someone threatened him at his home.  Matt, his friend at the White House, got a secret service agent to install a tracking device on Theo’s watch that he never removed.  Matt thought Theo was being paranoid so didn’t really look at the tracker.  Luckily for Theo, the secret service agent that gave it to him did.  He found Matt out and said, “So you know that tracker I installed?”

                Matt said curiously, “Yea”

                “Well, your boy is somewhere he shouldn’t be.”

                “Okay, where”

                “In an FBI safe house in Virginia”

                “That’s not good.”

                “Do you have any reason why he would be there?”

                “No, he’s kind of researching malfeasance with the FBI so yea that’s not a place he should be.”

                “Call him, say it’s urgent”

                Matt texted and called Theo.  They waited fifteen minutes and when there was no answer the secret service agent said, “Does he normally respond to texts and phone calls”

                “Yes, unless he’s driving”

                “We know he’s not driving.”

                “Yea, and we know he’s not at a movie theater or something.”

                “I’ll call the authorities”

                “Thank you sir”

                It didn’t take long for the secret service to arrange a car to investigate.  The FBI agent opened the door to meet the police officer.  The FBI said, “Can I help you?”

                “We need to search the building”

                “On what grounds?”

                “An unauthorized personnel that is staying here.”

                “Well, I’m FBI and this is America so I have jurisdiction since it’s domestic.”

                “Usually you would have precedence over local cops sir, but my orders are from the highest source”

                There weren’t many higher sources than the FBI.  The agent said, “White House”

                “Yes sir”

                “No need, I’ll go get him”

                The FBI agent walked downstairs and untied Theo.  He said, “I don’t know how they found you but they did.”

                “I know”

                “Why did you tell me everything then?”

                “Didn’t know how long it would take them to find me.  And besides, like I said, it’s not something that many people don’t already know.  You wasted your time.”

                “I would recommend you forget this ever happened and pretend you were a guest here.”

                Theo laughed.  “I don’t care what you recommend asshole”

                Theo walked to the door and the officer asked him if he wanted to press charges.  Theo said, “Yes” and with that a group of agent stormed the house and arrested the FBI agent for kidnapping.  Theo smiled as they took him out in handcuffs.  Theo said he was okay and went home.  He called Matt to thank him for finding him and Matt referred his call to the secret service agent that bothered to look.  Theo asked, “Why did you think to look?”

                “When you ask a law enforcement agent to be surveilled they take it seriously.  Nobody wants to me watched by law enforcement.  Besides, I gave it to you so I’m liable what you do with it.”

                “Well, thank you.”

                “It’s my job sir.”

                “Well, I can still thank you for doing your job sir.”

                Theo immediately called Devin Nunes to tell him that his theories were striking a nerve so he must be right.  He went right back to investigating his three questions. 


                Meanwhile Matt is working on a different project.  The Obama Budget Control Act sequester is almost expired.  If they expire before President Trump and congress can agree on a new spending bill then $125 Billion will be wiped out across the board on government spending.  This sequester Matt sees as a good thing but the President views it as hurting the military since the military budget gets slashed too.  The President’s plan increases military spending but cuts elsewhere, which infuriates the Democrats.  Time will tell how this stand off will end.  Matt is betting on another government shut down.  Matt calls his niece who is a 25-year-old girl in Chicago.  His niece enjoys ribbing him about finances she says, “So, I hear that they’re going to increase social security so that I get some when I retire,”

                “What makes you think that after they spent the social security money they already have they won’t squander yours too by the time you retire?”

                “Well, how long till they’re bankrupt?”

                “Like four years.  They’re predicting 2023.”

                “Oh, that is pretty soon but like it’s because we pay so little, so it makes sense to pay more.”

                “Really?  The average household pays $ 26,000 in social security and Medicare.  So, let’s say we cut it in half.  Now you have $ 13,000 a year more in your pocket.  Do you think you can spend that money better than the government?  Keep in mind, the government has to charge you like five times more because they misspent the money they had before.”

-              “An additional 13 grand in my pocket would help me a lot.”

                “Yea, knock off those student loans you got.  Which are higher because the government took them over in 2009, Luckily I graduated in 2006 so I didn’t have it as bad as you did.”

                “I don’t like this conversation”

                “Yet, you still vote Democrat.  Obama charges you more for healthcare and now you’re being charged even more to help the elderly.  Why don’t you Millennials understand that old people have more money than you do?  You shouldn’t be charged more to help them.  That’s just wrong.  Most older people are in a better financial state than a college graduate, yet they charge those in their 20s more to help them.  Tell me why that’s fair and why you vote for it.”

                “I got to go eat dinner.  I’ll talk to you later.”

                “Yea, I figured you’d say that.”

                Matt hung up the phone.  Mark Meadows had just sent more criminal referrals to the Attorney General Barr.  The winds are changing.  Hopefully all the corruption in the FBI comes out before next year’s election.    


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