Peter Strzok has
not had a good two years. It all went bad on November 8, 2016 when Donald Trump
won the presidential election. After that, it was just one thing after another.
He tried his best to stay above water but with the undercurent as strong as it
was, his arms and legs lacked the strength to tread water and he got sucked
under. Now, all he can do is turn on the TV and get his Shoedenfraud. The
liberal mob was strong and they had spent all weekend attacking conservative
Fox TV host Tucker Carlson on an insensitive thing he said ten years ago on a
shock jock radio show. Now he'd watch as another right leaning person
apologizes thinking it will appease the mob, only to find out it just emboldens
them. Things downward spiral and the network caves and the show gets cancelled.
This won't make Strzok's now worthless life mean anything but misery loves
company and watching Tucker Carlson be miserable will make him happy. He
reflected back to the last two years of his life.
Peter Strzok had
been busy in 2016. He had to find oppositional research on 16 Republican
candidates to hurt them and provide scandal after scandal so that Hillary
Clinton could become president. When Donald Trump won the nomination, he worked
feverishly to dig up negative information on him. As the lead investigator of
the FBI, he had a lot of power and had worked with many confidential informants
over the years. His favorite was Christopher Steele, who was a former British
MI6 agent for the English government. Steele was given information by Glenn Simpson
of Fusion GPS so that Steele could give it the DOJ, who then could give it to
the FBI. The paper trail really exposed them but it didn't matter, Hillary
Clinton indirectly paid Fusion GPS to do this so when she became president, she
would make it all go away. If you're good to Mama, Mama's good to you as the
Chicago song went.
All this work had
overwhelmed him and he was a weak man. In order to get his mind off things, he
confided in an FBI attorney who was with him late nights in the office named Lisa
Page. They started having routine affairs as Page provided him a clear head.
They texted and spoke often as Page had security clearance so he could talk to
her about things he couldn't talk to his wife about. Finally, Strzok's work was
about to pay off. It was November 8, 2016, election day and Strzok was about to
see how his work to undermine Donald Trump had worked and Hillary Clinton was
going to be the next president of the United States. The night ended badly,
Strzok had failed, Donald Trump was president. It was back to work.
Strzok had an
alcohol-inducded stupor election night. He spent all day November 9 trying to
devise a strategy. He realized the answer was simple, he had to destroy the
evidence. He needed to alert other people to do the same to cover all their
bases. On November 10, he e-mailed Page, "We need ALL of their names to
scrub, and we should give them ours for the same purpose" about Trump
campaign chairmen Paul Manfort's allegedly unsavory ties overseas
The response came
back quickly from Page saying, "Andy didn't get any others."
Strzok stared at
the e-mail. Why didn't Andy MeCabe, his boss at the FBI understand what just
happened? They used confidential sources that did shady things. Christopher
Steele was one of the worst. Steele leaked to the media like he was supposed
to, Strzok decided he would pretend this to be a reason to distance the FBI
from Steele and he would explain later correspondence with Steele as Bruce Ohr,
fourth highest ranked person at the DOJ, as being the one to keep Steele
relevant. Strzok wrote a memo and put 'November 1, 2016' on it even though it
was well over a week after that date. In it he says that it was unlikely they
would use the Confidential Informant (CI) again. This memo did better than he
thought because the media took it as they fired Steele. That never happened, it
just said they doubted they'd use them again. Of course they wanted to but now
he had to go through Ohr at the DOJ to launder the information through Joe
Pientka of the FBI, which they did to try to get President Trump impeached.
This way the Steele information doesn't look like it came from Steele but from
Bruce Ohr. Strzok had to backdate it because they couldn't expose they used
Steele's information in the now debunked dossier that wasn't even Steele's.
Falsifying a memo was a serious offense but Strzok was desperate. He had to
cover it up. It looks like he got away with it as even conservative outlets
were saying that the FBI fired Steele. He wished that Steele's name was never
released and if he had help scrubbing than maybe it wouldn't have been but at
least the DOJ was being implicated and not the FBI.
A short time passed
and Strzok was back to e-mailing Page. He wrote, "that's what Bill
said" referring to FBI chief of counterintelligence William Priestap,
"I suggested we need to exchange our entire lists as we each have
potential derogatory CI info the other doesn't." If MeCabe wouldn't help
him get rid of all the confidential informants (CI)'s maybe Priestap would.
It is now July and
Strzok looks back at all the work put in in November. He, Priestep among other
had done a good job scrubbing and destroying evidence. Steele was the only
corrupt CI that was released to the media. It was a big one but it could've
been a whole lot worse. Strzok received a call from Page and he picks up the
phone, "Hey baby what's up?"
"Ummm, we got
a little bit of a problem"
"You know how
Inspector General Horrowitz is looking into the Hillary E-mail investigation at
Comey's request?"
"Yeah, so
"I got
interviewed today"
"What did you
tell them? I mean you just got put on the special council to investigate Trump.
This is our second chance to stop him even though we couldn't during the
"Well he asked
about Andy's leaks to the media. Andy threw me under the bus and blamed me. You
know how hard it is to be a woman in a male dominated world, we're always the
ones that get sacrificed. Throughout history, it is always kill the woman to
appease the gods."
"What did you
"I showed him
the texts from Andy that he was the one that leaked."
"So you went
after a high ranking member of the Justice department. Alright, he'll get off.
You covered your ass so not really a big deal. It's Andy's problem now"
"That's not
all" she said tentatively in a voice that made her seem vulnerable that
women use to garner sympathy from men.
"Well, the IG
took my blackberry, they are looking through all the texts I wrote not just the
ones with Andy."
"Come on Lisa!
You know how much shit there is there that exposes us! Did you delete
"No, why would
I?" she said rather defensively,
"You have to
tell Bob" referring to Bob Mueller head of the special council to
investigate President Trump for collusion
"Yea, I
Page called Bob and
explained the situation. The date is July 15, 2017. Mueller just said,
"You have to step down from the council"
"Yea, that's a
good idea."
Just like that,
Page was no longer a member of the council. It didn't take long for the
aftermath as on July 19, IG Harrowitz was calling Strzok for an interview. He
agreed. The next day FBI has Strzok's phone too and they had all the texts.
Then things moved quick, Mueller panicked when the FBI gave the IG all of the
texts, less than week later on July 26, they raided Paul Manafort's house because
he was the main subject in the phony dossier from Glenn Simpson that they
laundered through Steele so he thought if he could give any credibility to the
Dossier it would improve their chances. When that didn't work, the next day
they cashed in on a Greek guy working for Trump that they set up previously but
the Greek ended up not taking the bait. They got Jim Baker to leak to
but that wasn't doing anything. Two days after all Mueller's back up plans to
justify Dossier failed, Strzok found himself removed from the council as well
due to the texts. He was disgraced and removed from the FBI.
On one hand, Strzok
was happy that all this covering up was over since he was fired but on the
other, he wasn't sure what to do. That was July 2017 and it was now March 2019.
He missed it ,but Schodenfraud was real, and he was going to take pleasure in
Carlson being taken down just like he was. He would be disappointed once again
as Carlson got up on his show and fought back against Media Matters, the
complete zero, losers basement dwelling dip shits that Strzok was happy to have
on the liberal side like him. Carlson ended it with strongly saying he would
not bow down to the liberal rage mob. He also mentioned that Fox had his back.
Media Matters hates America and Carlson called them out on it. Carlson started
it by saying that media matters calling themselves "Moral Puritanism"
is a slur on Puritans and used it to bring up this new wave of condoning late
term abortions and sometimes just straight infanticide. Strzok had to admit
that media matters were anti-first amendment and totalitarian rule by liberal
ideology. They are police state thugs and tyrants that want all opposing views
to liberals off the air immediately. It's good for liberals like Joy Reid that
conservatives don't have someone as morally inept as Media Matters on their
side or else her homophobic blog would have fired her from the air. Strzok
sighed and made himself a drink. Looks like he's going to have to be miserable alone
after all.
Strzok called
someone he could vent to and siad, "Did you see what just happened with
conservatives are learning not to bow down to the liberal rage mob and never
apologize under pressure. They still do when they're wrong they just do it on
their terms not their enemies."
"It's just one
"Yes, but the
midterms saw all the RINO's and never Trumpers losing. If Trump wins again in
2020, they may start getting those seats back and turning them into real Republicans
instead of RINO's and Never-Trumpers"
"What do you
mean RINO?"
"Republican in
Name Only"
"Oh, what's
the difference? A Republican is a republican right?"
"No, Trump is
more conservative. He's making other conservatives speak out. He's emboldening
them to fight back because he fights back. He's a general leading a war and as
much as I hate the bastard, he's doing a good job. He's not deterred by
Republicans fighting him he goes after them too and his followers are taking
note. He's trying to take over the party. We, the FBI, the DOJ, the President
of the United States (Obama), the Clintons, who bought the Democratic Party,
all tried to stop him. In the midterms, Lebron James, Taylor Swift, even Oprah
Winfrey tried to beat him with his Senate recommendation and even with voter
fraud, Trump still won. The dude can fight. He's getting others to fight too.
He's John McClain and the Never Trumpers and RINO's that have helped the
Democrats for so long by betraying the right in this country are being exposed.
Basically, they're Ellis"
"My Die Hard
is a little hazy, what do you mean?"
"Ellis was a
hostage that tells the other hostages that he'll negotiate on their behalf. He
brags about how he negotiates multi-million dollar deals before breakfast and
that a terrorist negotiation is a walk in the park for him. He knows Bruce
Willis' real name and knows that his wife is one of the hostages, The
terrorists don't know that so he tried to negotiate that information to save
the hostages. He tells the head terrorist Hans that he is a friend of
McClain's, which he's not. Hans gets out a walkie talkie and smugly Ellis tries
to talk McClain into giving himself up. Hans then puts a gun to Ellis' head and
gives McClain a countdown that if he doesn't come out by the end, he'll shoot
Ellis in the head. Since McClain, who had been warning Ellis the entire time to
tell Hans the truth that they don't know each other and are not close, is not
close with McClain, McClain doesn't come out realizing he, not Ellis, is the
terrorist’s only hope at being rescued. Hans wasn't bluffing. He shot Ellis in
the head at the end of the countdown.
"So, you're
saying that the RINO's and Never-Trumpers that are trying to curry favor with
the power-hungry Democrats to get their scraps from the table will get shot in
the head by the Democrats?"
"Yup, they're
still arrogantly trying to play both sides and thinking they can pull off the
negotiation. The movie is a great analogy too because all but one of the cops
outside turn on McClain too after this because he let an innocent die. The FBI
and CIA are just like them; fighting Trump. Given how so many of the upper
echelon of both are in big trouble right now including me, real life is playing
out just like the movie. Ellis dies relatively early in the movie. We are at
that point, We will see if McClain wins in this movie. Time will tell.
Not too long later, Peter Strzok was
arrested and convicted for obstruction of justice by destroying evidence and
falsifying a report.
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